Special Studies in Finance Question Bank 1 Day Before The Exam 2014 (ONLY for Revision Purpose)



1) Do you want the exact tips to prepare for SSF exam?

Check here —> How To Prepare For Special Studies in Finance Exam : Awesome Tips By Prof. Sandhya Nabar

2) Do you want to check Mumbai University question papers of past years?

Check here —-> Special Studies in Finance University Question Papers from November 2001 to 2012


Important question bank 1 day before the exam:

Types of numerical to be practised for ssf
1. Deffered tax both the excess depreciation and MAT sums
2. Segment reporting
3. Simple sums on capital budgeting
4. Terms loans with DSCR and flash report
5. Hire purchase with calculation of interest and journal entries
6. Basic weighted average sums on IPO
7. Forex. Journal entries and calculation of net profit or loss.
8. Basic sums on EVA.

Theory to be done well
1. Accounting standards
2. IPO process
3. Participants in an IPO process
4. Book building process
5. Mutual funds.  Very imp
6. Prospectus
7. Under writting. 
8. Role of merchant bankers. Very imp
9. Credit rating very imp
10. Hire purchase vs leasing
11. Types of leasing.

For any further queries contact Prof Vipin Saboo (of Vipin Saboo Tutorials) on 9820779873





3) Do you want prelims question papers for practice?

Check below 10 prelims papers of various coaching classes and colleges:

  1. Prelim 1:- Special Studies in Finance
  2. Special Studies in Finance (SSF) Prelims Question Paper 2014
  3. Special Studies in Finance Prelims Question Paper 2014 by Ganesha Classes
  4. Ganesha Classes Special Studies in Finance Prelims Question Paper 2014
  5. Pillai’s College Special Studies in Finance Prelims Question Paper 2014
  6. Special Studies in Finance Prelims Question Paper I 2014 – S.K. Somaiya College
  7. Special Studies in Finance Prelims Question Paper II 2014 – S.K. Somaiya College
  8. Special Studies in Finance Prelims Question Paper 2014 – C.K.T. College
  9. Special Studies in Finance Prelims Question Paper 2014 – Shankar Narayan College
  10. Special Studies in Finance Prelims Question Paper 2014 – VES College
  11. Special Studies in Finance Prelims Question Paper 2014 – SCOrE BMS


 Theory Questions and Answers:

  1. What are the Uses of Credit Rating?
  2. What are the Purposes of Credit Rating?
  3. What is Credit Rating?
  4. What are the Features of AS-30?
  5. What are the objectives of AS-30?
  6. What is IFRS (Internationall Financial Reporting Standards)?
  7. Explain Accounting Standards
  8. Explain the functions and objectives of Corporate Finance
  9. Write a note on ESOPs
  10. Write a note on Sweat Equity
  11. What are the different types of ESOPs?
  12. What are the disadvantages of ESOP?
  13. What are the Advantages of ESOP?
  14. What is Stock Option?

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