Special Studies in Marketing November 2012 University Question Paper


Section 1

1) Give brief account of the following: (15 marks)

a) Role of Direct marketing as a tool of IMC

b) Media Research

c) Advertising in movie theatres

d) USP

e) Define Reach, Frequency and coverage.

2) Case study:

a) Shahnaaz Beauty Skin and Facial Creams are a newly introduced company in the market offering various types of beauty products in the market. The company for few years followed mass marketing strategy for its promotion related activities but has not found any success. As a consultant, company appoints you to help him promote the product in the market and increase sales. Explain which IMC tools should Shahnaaz Beauty Skin and Facial Creams should adapt for success of its business?

b) Tetley was launched by Tetley brothers in England more than 150 years ago. It became a world famous beverage over the years. In India the brand is owned by TATA global beverages Ltd. The company has done little by way of promoting the brand, creating its personality and building its equity. Though the brand ‘Tetley’ is found on the shelf of most retailers and it enjoys a degree of brand loyalty the company is clearly milking its brand property. If you are appointed as a consultant to the company, you are requested to develop a brand building programme that involves brand positioning, creating brand image/personality.


Section II

3) Explain with examples the different types of methods involved in testing advertising effectiveness. (10 marks)

4) Define Advertising, explain in brief with examples the different tools available for setting the advertising budget. (10 marks)

5) Discuss different types of buying behavior and consumers’ involvement in the process of identifying the consumers in the market. (10 marks)

6) Write short notes on (any two):

a) Five M’s of Advertising

b) Family Life Cycle



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