Special Studies in Marketing Question Bank


The following is the list of questions appeared in the past University Papers. They are not topic-wise but year-wise (01 to 09)



1) Great idea with example
2) Rational and moral appeals with example
3) Consumer products
4) Dist b/w communication and marketing objective with example
5) Full service agency
6) Dist b/w brand image and USP
7) USP – guidelines with example
8) Brand positioning strategies
9) Dist b/w image and positioning
10) Copy platform
11) Steps for developing an advertising programme
12) GRP, TRP
13) Promotion mix
14) Media vehicle with example of OOH media
15) Advantages and disadvantages of continuity, flighting and pulsing
16) CPM
17) “if you are lucky enough to write a good advertisement, repeat it until it stops pulling”. (Oglivy)
18) “if awareness does not affect sales, why bother to measure it? If it does not have a close relationship to the sales, why not measure sales directly?” Comment
19) “Promotion and sales promotion are 2 terms that often create confusion in the advertising and marketing fields.” Clarify the distinction b/w these 2 terms.

Short notes:-

1) Message structure
2) Rural communication approach of advertising
3) Client servicing
4) Types of ad agencies
6) Persuasion matrix
7) Strategic role of PR
8) Outdoor advertising
9) Radio as media
10) Role and scope of media research

10 marks-

1) 5 Ms of advertising
2) IMC
3) Advertising communication process
4) Organization structure and functions of ad agency
5) Selection and evaluation of ad agency
6) Account for ad agency
8) Attitude in advertising
9) Brand image
10) Brand essence, identity, fatigue, personality, equity
11) Qualities and criteria for effective copy
12) Creation and production of a copy
13) Principles of copy – print, TV, radio, outdoor, retail and B2b
14) Advertising budget – advantages, disadvantages and methods
15) Corporate advertising
16) Media planning and selection – factors and strategies
17) Media types –advantages and disadvantages
18) Reach, frequency and impact
19) Testing advertisement effectiveness
20) Sales promotion tools
21) Illustration and layout



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