Special Studies in Marketing University Question Paper November 2010


Section I

1) Give a brief account of the following: (15 marks)

a) E-commerce

b) The Five M’s of Marketing

c) Communication Model (Diagram)

d) Bursting strategy

e) USP

2) Star Private Ltd. have decided to enter the mosquito repellent market. They are to introduce a product with new technology and will not require any coils, smoke or any liquid. It will be in a form of battery to be plugged in. It will cover a wide area. Your agency has been appointed to handle the Advertising Campaign:

a) How will you position the product? (8 marks)

b) What will be your media strategy? (7 marks)

Section II

3) What is the role of the various family members in influencing consumer behavior? (10 marks)


How does a company decide on the advertising budget? (10 marks)

4) What are the different media scheduling strategies available to the media manager? (10 marks)

5) Explain the factors that determine brand equity. (10 marks)

6) Write short notes on any two:

a) Importance of public relations

b) Relationship marketing

c) Diffusion process

d) Trade promotional tools

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