Speed Dating!


Gone are the days when girls would wait for their ‘Prince Charming’ or guys would go through all the filmy ordeals to get their ‘Miss Perfect!’ After all, it’s the age of ‘fast food’, and if its influence was not enough, the intrusion of western culture has affected our social bonding also. Formerly, being seen with a person of the opposite sex was met with suspiciously raised eye-brows and countered with infinite questions. Not to forget the wagging tongues of the rumour mongers. But now, it has become a routine and everyday affair. No wonder, one finds teenagers boasting of their latest crush, albeit a little nonchalantly..

When asked about the transition, Vishal, a 2nd year commerce student says, “I remember getting embarrassed in class 10th when I was paired up with a classmate. Then, I would even find it strange to talk with girls. But, times have changed and how! I have more friends in girls than guys.” On being asked about his love life he adds smilingly, “Well, I had three girlfriends till now and my list of crushes is unending. Nowadays, guys are good at multi-tasking when it come to having girlfriends!”

Girls, who were considered to be emotional and sensitive, are now bold and frank about relationships. Dhvani supports this point and tells, “The girls no longer wait for the guy to approach them. They are open enough to tell about their guy friends and even introduce them at home. Though girls are comparatively slower than guys to enter into relationships, now they are willing to experiment. Even parents are becoming more open minded and accommodating. They just need to be kept informed.”

Coming to the point, what it requires to make a date, Siddharth, replies, “Actually, it doesn’t require looks or intelligence. You just need to be well-groomed and well-spoken. Guys also need have some money to spend. You also don’t need to be emotional and possessive about such relationships.”

All said and done, what are you waiting for? After all it is very difficult to wait for the right person especially if the wrong ones are so cute and exciting. So, Happy Experimenting!

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