Spice Up Your Existing Wardrobe That Too Without Spending A Dime!



Financial crunch? Can’t afford to invest too much on brands. Try these tips and refurnish your old wardrobe:

A stain is just a stain. Cover it with a brooch, add a ruffle on top of it, embroider over it, sew a heart over it.


 Repair those tears.  Try a patch of new fabric or embroidery floss.  From then on out, wash on delicate and hang to dry.  Have fun with the stitches and maybe they’ll turn into a cool new design.

 Change it up.  Turn your cardigan into a skirt or your t-shirt into a headband.  Think outside the box of normal uses for the article of clothing, get experimental and have fun!  You will be amazed what new uses you’ll come up with.


A few pieces of inspiration:

Screenprint! This is a super fun way to turn a sad shirt into a brand new original design work of art!  Check out my tutorial HERE.

Turn summer into winter.  Add long sleeves to your t-shirts, add some extra layers onto your short skirts, make yourself a scarf from an old shirt.

Turn winter into summer. Turn a long sleeved shirt into a tank top, make your old pants your new pair of shorts, turn a scarf into a headband.      


Try and accessorize the outfits.A little bit of flair can change your outfit from bland to sensational. Accessories not just include jewelry pieces,watches but you can also experiment with hats.                                                                                  

You can also mix and match,nerd glasses or a chic pair of glares to spice up the look.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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