Spider Software Pvt. Ltd.

The company operates in the niche market of Brokers, Day Traders and High Networth Investors in Stock Market. The company is the only Indian company to be the vendors of BSE and NSE real time stock prices. The company has developed high quality software to enable its clients to take their trading decisions.The company has a successful track record forthe past 12 years and has 6000+ clients spread all over the country.

Since its inception in the year 2000, Spider Software Pvt Ltd has continuously developed unique and exceedingly effective and superior software being used by more than 5000 users all over in India. Spider Software offers a wide range of products and services in the field of Real Time and End of Day technical analysis.

Our strength in the field of software development and capability to understand market needs has helped us forge our place as frontiers in stock market trading software development. Our company is powered by a pool of experience and talented professionals across stock market trading with fundamental and technical analysis to provide you guaranteed win-win situations while trading in the stock market. The company is a licensed vendor of BSE and NSE Real Time Price Feed. It uses internet based client server model for distribution of real-time data feed. The client side software’s are decision making terminals with facilities for technical analysis, fundamental analysis and numerical analysis which help traders take right decision.

Spider Software provides financial stock solutions and makes stock market really simple to understand. We make working with charts and figures more practical and lucrative. With more than 10 years of prudent and applied research, Spider Software Pvt Ltd is one of the most trusted names when it comes to knowledge on technical analysis and Indian stock market trading.


Job Profiles: Marketing Executives

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