Sports : a boon or a curse


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Sporting spirit is what today children lack of. He may get the best of moral education and extra knowledge but is kept away from sports. Sports today have become a way of getting a job rather than enjoyment. A sport is the only things which can help a child learn the true value of teamwork. It is the moral which cannot be taught by any books or teachers. It is the moral which can be learned only on the field of sport.

People think that sport is just a waste of time as it wastes time which can be used for any creative work. But “ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A MERE TOY”. The child should be involved in any kind of sports weather indoor or outdoor. It helps in vitalising and refreshing a child’s memory and body. Indulging a child in sports helps him learn the ethics of responsibility and unity. They also learn that if a person gets responsibility he even gets the burden of taking that responsibility.

Like every coin has two sides, sports too have two sides. Children even get involved in bad acts such as telling lies and creating a false situation. Tough it helps a child becoming responsible, it also pressurises him to run away from the situation when under pressure. Children when learn to handle pressure at such mere age can benefit them in their life ahead. People think that sports are for those who don’t have anything to achieve in life. But a sport is the only field were we learn to keep calm and handle the situations.

Some say that due to peer pressure they cannot continue their further play and have to leave sports in order to continue to work for the family’s income. Some parents even send their child to each and every sport in order to keep them busy throughout the day. But they forget that their child becomes “THE JACK OF ALL AND MASTER OF NONE”.

Hence at the end I would say that for a better future, every child must be encouraged to play any kind of sport which he likes and must try to master the same….


– Jiten Godhania

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