Have you ever thought of how powerful your words are ?
Everything that you say affects other people life’s.
If you are in a bad mood you complain about your job , you are tired , you complain about the weather all this is like germs be careful about the words everything that is negative that comes out of your mouth will affect other people. So if you feel low, negative, depressed jus be home try to stay home.
We have a responsibility so speak positive because negative words are contagious as germs.
If you want to b a good friend , lifepartner who is spreading more life in this be careful about the words everything that is negative which comes out of your mouth will affect other people.
We can affect other people with our sentences, our mouth, our words everything we think what we say!
We can make other peoples life better if you say, “Wow its such a beautiful day !“ and when you do that you make other people aware of what a good day it is or you can look around and say , “arghh I hate my job “ and when you do that you are just spreading a lot of shit around .Don’t do that because we want a more positive, alive and a sparkling world we want more love in the world so be careful about your word germs and only go around and cherish,  compliment and smile and spread the joy.