St. Xavier’s College FYBMS Sem 1 Syllabus: Principles of Management I


Principles of Management Paper I  is a Sem 1 subject of FYBMS at St. Xavier’s College. The subject will be covered in 60 lectures and will consist of 4 main units. The subject aims to provide fundamental knowledge and exposure to the concepts, theories and practices in the field of management.

The Unit 1 will be covered in 20 lectures. The topics covered in the first unit are:

  1. Management- concept, process and significance,
  2. An overview of functional areas of management,
  3. Managerial roles (Mintzberg),
  4. Evolution of Management Theory – Work of Fredrick W. Taylor,
  5. Fayol’s contribution,
  6. Behavioural Science approach,
  7. Contingency approach.

The unit 2 will be covered in 15 lectures. The topics covered in the second unit are:

  1. Management Functions – Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling,
  2. Planning : Meaning, importance, elements, process, limitations,
  3. Decision making – concept, importance and steps in decision making,
  4. Preparation of Business Plan.

The Unit 3 will be covered in 15 lectures and the topics covered in the 3rd unit are:

  1. Organizing – Concept, nature and significance,
  2. Authority and responsibility relationships,
  3. Centralization and decentralization,
  4. Departmentation,
  5. Organization structure – forms,
  6. Staffing – importance, sources of recruitment, selection process.

The Unit 4 will be covered in 10 lectures. The topics covered in the 4th unit are :

  1. Directing – meaning and steps of direction: motivation – concept, theories – Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor,
  2. Leadership – concept, styles and traits,
  3. Control – concept, process: Effective control system, control techniques,
  4. Coordination – concept, definition and importance.

Continuous Internal Assessment:

  1. Mid semester test – Case Study
  2. Organizing local visit to industry – Report

The reference books of Principles of Management Paper I subject are as follows:

1) Essentials of Management – Koontz H & W McGraw Hill, New York

2) Principles of management – Ramaswamy Himalaya, Mumbai

3) Management Concept and Practice – Hannagain T. McMillan, Delhi

4) Basic Managerial Skills for All – McGrath, E.H. Prentice Hall of India

5) Management – Text And Cases By VSP Rao Excel Books, Delhi

6) Essentials of Management – Massie Joseph, Prentice Hall of India

7) Management: Principles and Guideline – Thomas N. Duening & John Ivancevich Biztantra

8) Management Concepts and OB – P.S. Rao and N.V. Shah, Ajab Pustakalaya

9) Management Concepts and Strategies – J.S. Chandran Vikas Publishing House

10) Principles of Management – Tripathi P.C., Tata McGraw Hill



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