St. Xavier’s College SYBMS Sem 3 Syllabus: Production and Materials Management


Production and Materials Management is a Semester 3 subject in SYBMS at St. Xavier’s College. Production and Materials Management subject aims to help BMS students understand the process of transformation of a range of inputs into the required products / services having the requisite quality level. The subject introduces students to the planning, implementation and control of industrial production processes to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Production and Materials Management introduces BMS students to the branch of logistics that deals with the tangible components of a supply chain.

The topics covered in Unit 1 (10 lectures) are as follows:

  1. Introduction to the concept of operations and operation management
  2. Development of production function,
  3. Relation of production with other functions like design function, purchase function, plant layout, maintenance etc.
  4. Production classification,
  5. Product selection (Steps in identifying the product for manufacturing),
  6. Product development (market pull, technology push, inter-functional approach).
  7. Brief description / importance of research development and design of a product.

The topics covered in Unit 2 (15 lectures) are as follows:

  1. Facilities planning (how much to produce, level of automation, facilities required for manufacturing, where to produce, arranging required facilities, how to produce etc.) production systems
  2. Plant layout: difference between various types of layout (product layout, process layout, cellular layout, static layout etc.)
  3. Various types of material handling systems: their guidelines/principles, distinguishing features, uses.
  4. Overview of various types of maintenance systems
  5. Meaning / functions / nature of production, planning and control.

The topics covered in Unit 3 (20 lectures) are as follows:

  1. Importance of materials management (corporate policy, organization, research, planning, source selection)
  2. Value analysis and value engineering
  3. Purchase management, importance of purchasing, various R’s of purchasing, purchasing systems
  4. Need for forecasting price / policy on seasonal commodities and capital equipments. Simple problems on various types of forecasting including exponential smoothing.
  5. Inventory management, its prime importance in our country today.
  6. Inventory control techniques – ABC, FSN, GOLF, VED, SOS, HML
  7. Make or Buy decisions: Problems on inventory management.

The topics covered in Unit 4 (15 lectures) are as follows:

  1. Warehousing and stored management – centralized and decentralized stores. Brief introduction to various methods of stores accounting.
  2. Need for stock verification
  3. Management of scrap, waste, surplus, obsolete materials.
  4. JIT, KANBAN, KAIZEN, Push vs Pull concept, MRP
  5. Explanation of EOQ – its advantages and disadvantages. Types of inventory systems (P-systems and – Systems). Need for safety stock / reserve stock. Simple problems on these topics.
  6. SQC – techniques, Control charts, X-Bar chart, R-chart, P-chart, C- chart. Graphical representation. Direct problems on these topics.


Continuous Internal Assessment:

  1. Mid Semester Test
  2. Project work – Presentations


The list of reference books of Productions and Material Management are as follows:

  1. Principles of Operation Management – Jay Heizer, Prentice Hall
  2. The Lean Manufacturing Pocket Handbook – Kenneth W. Dailey, D.W. Publishing
  3. The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating people, process and technology- James M. Morgan and Jeffrey K. Liker, Productivity Press
  4. The Toyota Production System: Beyond large scale production – Taiiehi Ohno and Norman Bodek, Productivity Press
  5. Operations Management: Processes and Value Chains – Lee J. Krajewski, Larry P. Ritzmann and Manoj K. Malhotra, Prentice Hall
  6. Productivity and Inventory Management – Donald Fogarty, John H. Blackstone, Thomas R. Hoffman, Douth – Western College
  7. Production and Inventory Control: Principles and Techniques – George W. Plossl, Prentice Hall
  8. Production Planning and Control – W. Bolton, Addison Wesley Longman Limited
  9. Journal on Material and supply chain, materials management review (MMR), Indian Institute of Materials Management, Bangalore
  10. Material Management : An integrated approach – P. Gopalakrishnan and M. Sunderesan, Prentice Hall – International


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