Steel Authority of India (SAIL) Recruitment 2015 For 558 Posts


Steel Authority of India

Important Dates:

Last date for submitting application: January 28, 2015

Date of written test for OCT (trainee and Boiler operation): February 15, 2015 (Tentative)
Date of written test for ACT(Trainee): February 22, 2015 (Tentative)

Total Posts:

Name of the post: 558 posts
Attendant cum Technician (Trainee): 119 posts
Operator cum Technician (Trainee): 414 posts
Operator cum Technician (Boiler Operation): 25 posts


Educational Qualification:

For the Post of ACT (Trainee) :

ITI holders -Matriculation with ITI from Govt. recognized institution in the following trades: Fitter for
ACT-Fitter, Electrician for ACT-Electrician, Welder for ACT-Welder, Instrument Mechanic for ACT-
Instrument Mechanic, Diesel Mechanic for ACT-Diesel Mechanic, Turner for ACT-Turner and Machinist
for ACT-Machinist. For HVD Trade- Matriculation with Heavy Vehicle Driver (HVD) License having one
year experience in Operation of any Heavy Vehicle as on December 1,2014.

For OCT (Trainee):

Diploma holders- Matriculation and three years full time Diploma in Engineering from a Govt. recognized institute in the following disciplines: – Metallurgy for OCT- Metallurgy, Electrical for OCT-Electrical, Mechanical for OCT-Mechanical, Electronics & Instrumentation or Electronics & Communication or Electronics for OCT – Electronics & Instrumentation/Electronics & Communication/Electronics and Civil for OCT – Civil.

For OCT – Boiler Operation

Matriculation and three years full time Diploma in Engineering from a
Govt. recognized institute with either First Class or Second Class certificate of Boiler Attendant Competency as on December 1, 2014. Candidates appearing for final examination are also eligible to apply, provided they are able to produce Diploma/Mark-sheet clearly showing that they had passed the examination at the time of interview otherwise, they will not be permitted to appear in the interview.

Selection Procedure:
Written Test

Application Fee:

Operator-cum-Technicain (Trainee/ Boiler Operation): Rs 250 for General and 50 for Departmental candidate.

Attendant-cum-Technician: Rs 150 for General and OBC and Rs 50 for Departmental candidate.

How to apply:

Eligible and Interested candidates would be required to apply online through SAIL’s website.



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