Stock Market Gibberish – DE JARGONED: A Guide To Analyse Stock Market Portfolios


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What’s the first thing that comes to your mind about the stock market or when you see the long list of endless columns in a financial paper seems Greek and Latin to you isn’t it ?? Not anymore because just like math with a scary demeanor if you manage to crack the code you will be an expert in no time:

Columns 1 & 2:

The first two columns set a benchmark of the shares traded in the previous 52 weeks (one year). That includes the week highs and the lows.

Column 3:

The third column includes the Company Name & Type of Stock – Enlisted here will be the name of the company and type of stock namely common and proffered stock which in other words is equity or preference share So if you find a name of a company enlisted without symbols then it is common stock but if you see pf symbol then you classify the share as a preferred stock.

Column 5: Dividend per Share –

This indicates the amount the investor is supposed to receive.

Column 6:–Dividend Yield

The only difference between dividend per share and dividend yield is that the latter is the percentage return on the dividend. Calculated as annual dividends per share divided by price per share.

Column 7: Price/Earning Ratio/Earnings Per share ratio

Is basically a ratio that will give you an idea of what the market is willing to pay for company’s earnings

Column 9 & 10:Day High and Low –

This indicates the maximum and minimum prices that people have paid for the stock s?

Column 11: Close – The close is the last trading price recorded when the market closed on the day.

Column 12: Net Change –

Is basically Change in the value of stock from the previous day listing

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Quotes on the Internet

Nowadays stock market portfolios are also depicted with other modes such as pie chart, bar diagrams in order to have an idea of the stock market performance one can visit sites such as yahoo finance ,the street, market watch etc

Ticker Tape

Whenever you come across a business channel you must have noticed a ticker tape scroll below it includes the first three initials of a company and the day’s highs and lows indicated with a Red Upward arrow for the former and green downward arrow for the latter

But if your newcomer to the stock market industry make sure you have a catch on the stock market through Dummy stock market websites through this one can understand the stock market trends and strategies accordingly for the big game in the actual stock market and make sure you are well updated with the information regarding the stocks so as to understand when to either buy or sell the stocks another useful advice would be for beginners is to have a journal take 10 companies from different sectors and trade accordingly with this you will also observe a pattern of Stock market changes like for example if there is a political disturbance in gulp the supply will decrease and primarily the oil prices will go up and not only that it will affect the other sectors as well

Like mentioned in the article if you manage to crack the code one will master the stock market arena in no time.

– Khyati Kotiyan

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