Bullying, a devil to be vanished! !


Prevent Bullying, Take initiative !!

Bullying is something that is now becoming so very critical topic of concern. It is all about criticizing others, dominating them by various means it can be verbal, by action, by  humiliating infront of friends, By isolating, By taunting . . . .

The parents has to take the utmost care of their children, they must teach them on how to react or how to behave and how to tackle the situations. Parents should keep their eyes and ears open to find out if their child is being bullied. Children, in general, tend to keep mum even if they are bullied. So, talk to your child about the happenings at school, and sooner or later you will come to know whether he or she is being bullied.  . .

Bullying is just to dominate other/s, to express more power than the bullied person. It is all about braveness and confidence, If you are mature enough and you are confident enough than you can be so very defensive as far as bullying is concern. Parents must insists that school and home environments reflect the world young children live in. All the things must be taught be their parents, guardians, as a child is never born with the dna of bullying others, i mean it is never genetic . . .

When some one is bullied then you need to support the victim by extending a hand of friendship rather than participating in the same, the same will result on the change in resolution on his face, he would be having a confident bright resolution on his face and if at all you don’t know of what to do in certain state of conditions than just buzz or just ask for an advice from a mature adult for the same. . .

It really hurts alot when some one is bullied, it is really a matter of great concern for now as it results in the demotivation and the victim becomes so very stressed and the same results in a huge depression and the same can be fatal as well, we all know the how the rates of self-annihilation(suicide) are increasing. . .

Take immediate action. Don’t think that the bullying will stop after some time. It never happens. Inform the school authorities and teach your child the best way to avoid the bully. Once the children get the confidence, that someone is there, who will listen and help, they stop being vulnerable and that really make sense, isn’t it ? ?

It is always better to be defensive, preventive, and at the same time you need to be precautious as well. . .

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Abhishek Shah

-Digital Evangelist