Stop Child Labour


Child Labour

Tear brimmed eyes that never enjoyed playgrounds of a school
The eyes that could only scan the garbage
Dry clapped hands that never enjoyed writing and drawing skills
The hands that could only hold the hammers and rags
The dusty feet that never enjoyed the touch of a warm shoe
The feet that could only feel the prick of thorns and rocks
The small fingers that never enjoyed the hold of pens and pencils
The fingers that could only pick through the trash.

An innocent child like us who could have enjoyed all the childhood benefits
Is crying in dark and screaming for help
Looking for hope in the eyes of people like us
Yearning for care, love and support.
Switch off the music for a moment
Stop enjoying your life for a single second
Spare a thought, lend a hand
So that they are not left alone
To fight in the journey they have been imposed upon
Make a life better and most importantly

“It is in serving the best interests of children that we serve the best interests of all humanity.”

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