Strategic Human Resource Management and HR Policies – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016


Strategic Human Resource Management and HR Policies – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules  No. of Lectures
 1  SHRM – An Overview  15
 2  HR Strategies  15
 3  HR Policies  15
 4  Recent Trends in SHRM  15
Total  60

Strategic Human Resource Management and HR Policies – Syllabus Overview

SN Modules/ Units
 1  SHRM – An Overview
• Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) – Meaning, Features, Evolution, Objectives, Advantages, Barriers to SHRM, SHRM v/s Traditional HRM, Steps in SHRM, Roles in SHRM – Top Management, Front-line Management, HR, Changing Role of HR Professionals, Models of SHRM – High Performance Working Model, High Commitment Management Model, High Involvement Management Model
• HR Environment –Environmental trends and HR Challenges
• Linking SHRM and Business Performance
 2  HR Strategies
 • Developing HR Strategies to Support Organisational Strategies, Resourcing Strategy – Meaning and Objectives, Strategic HR Planning – Meaning, Advantages, Interaction between Strategic Planning and HRP, Managing HR Surplus and Shortages, Strategic Recruitment and Selection – Meaning and Need, Strategic Human Resource Development – Meaning, Advantages and Process, Strategic Compensation as a Competitive Advantage, Rewards Strategies – Meaning, Importance, Employee Relations Strategy, Retention Strategies, Strategies for Enhancing Employee Work Performance
 3  HR Policies
 • Human Resource Policies – Meaning, Features, Purpose of HR Policies, Process of Developing HR Policies, Factors affecting HR Policies, Areas of HR Policies in Organisation, Requisites of a Sound HR Policies – Recruitment, Selection, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal, Compensation, Promotion, Outsourcing, Retrenchment, Barriers to Effective Implementation of HR Policies and Ways to Overcome These Barriers, Need for Reviewing and Updating HR Policies, Importance of Strategic HR Policies to Maintain Workplace Harmony
 4  Recent Trends in SHRM
• i.e. Mentoring
• Employee Engagement – Meaning, Factors Influencing Employee Engagement, Strategies for Enhancing Employee Engagement
• Contemporary Approaches to HR Evaluation – Balance Score Card, HR Score Card, Benchmarking and Business Excellence Model
• Competency based HRM – Meaning, Types of Competencies, Benefits of Competencies for Effective Execution of HRM Functions.
• Human Capital Management –Meaning and Role
• New Approaches to Recruitment – Employer Branding, Special Event Recruiting, Contest Recruitment, e – Recruitment
• Strategic International Human Resource Management – Meaning and Features, International SHRM Strategic Issues, Approaches to Strategic International HRM.

Reference books for subject: Strategic Human Resource Management and HR Policies

Strategic Human Resource Management and HR Policies : ~
1. Michael Armstrong, Angela Baron, Handbook of Strategic HRM, Jaico publishing House
2. Armstrong M.-Strategic Human Resource Management_ A Guide to Action (2006)
3. Strategic Human Resource Management, Tanuja Agarwal
4. Strategic Human Resource Management, Jeffrey A. Mello
5. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, PHI, New Delhi, 2003
6. Charles R. Greer, Strategic Human Resource Management, Pearson Education, 2003
7. Rajib Lochan Dhar, Strategic Human Resource Management, Excel Books, NewDelhi, 2008



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