Strategic management is a way of setting objectives and figuring out ways to achieve them. Strategic Management’s aim is to keep a continuous eye on the goals and objectives of the organization. It is all about identifying strategies that managers can carry so as to achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization.
Here we present Strategic Management Practice Question Paper 1:
Q.1 Answer the following. (any 2) (15)
- Define strategic management & explain its features.
- What do you mean by strategic management model & explain its main components.
- Suggest the guidelines for effective strategic management.
Q.2 Answer the following. (any 2) (15)
- Explain in detail the strategic management process.
- Discuss the role of strategy.
- Explain the process of strategic choice.
Q.3 Answer the following. (any 2) (15)
- Explain the issue in production policies & plans.
- Explain the difference between strategy formation & strategy implementation.
- Explain the features of strategy implementation.
Q.4 Answer the following. (any 2) (15)
- Explain the features of strategy evaluation.
- Explain the benefits of strategy evaluation & control.
- Explain the participants in strategy evaluation & control.