Strategic Management Practice Question Paper Set 4


Strategic Management Q Paper

Among all the strategies formed in the company, corporate strategy is the most important strategy. Studying corporate strategy is vast. Corporate strategy is the best way to determine the company’s growth. Strategic management covers the key concepts and theories that are used to understand, evaluate and learn how to implement the organization’s strategies/plans.

Here we present Strategic Management Practice Question Paper Set 4:

Q.1) Explain process of strategic management – 15 marks

Q.2) Explain the elements of internal environment. – 8 marks

Q.3) What is micro environment? Explain various elements of micro environment? – 7 marks

Q.4) Define Strategic Management. Explain its characteristics. – 8 marks

Q.5) Define strategy. Explain various levels of strategy with suitable diagram? – 7marks

Q.6) What is stability strategy? Explain the various factors adopting stability strategy? – 15 marks

Q.7) What is diversification strategy? What are its objectives? – 15 marks

Q.8) Illustrate the Boston Consulting Group BCG matrix with suitable diagram. – 15 marks

Q.9) Write short note on Economic Environment – 8 marks

Q.10) Write short note on Political Environment – 7 marks

Q.11) Explain Henry Mintzberg three models of strategy decision making? – 8 marks

Q.12) Write short note on Tows matrix – 7 marks

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