Strategic Management Practice Question Paper Set 6



Strategic Management allocates time and resources to identified opportunities. Strategic Management identifies, prioritizes and exploits opportunities to solve management problems. It improves coordination and control of activities. It provides a framework for internal communication among the employees in the organization. Strategic Management helps in integrating the individual behavior into a total effort.

Here we present Strategic Management Practice Question Paper Set 6:

Q.1) What is evaluation? State both qualitative and quantitative criteria’s for evaluation?

Q.2) Explain the formulation of strategies.

Q.3) Explain the characteristics of mission statement.

Q.4) Explain in detail the meaning, definition and need for strategic management.

Q.5) Explain McKinskey’s 7S Model alongwith figure.

Q.6) Discuss cost leadership and defensive strategies.

Q.7) Explain the internal components of environmental scanning.

Q.8) What is meant by strategy making? Explain in brief its models.

Q.9) Write a note on auditing with reference to corporate and environment audit.

Q.10) Amul Butter is the most favourite butter of the people, identify the stage of this product under PLC and make BCG matrix of different products of Amul.

Q.11) Explain in brief marketing strategies used during the strategy implementation.

Q.12) Explain in brief finance strategies used during the strategy implementation.

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