Strategies For Enhancing Customer Participation


Strategies For Enhancing Customer Participation


(I) Define: Customer’s job:

The customers job: Helping himself

The Customers job: Helping others

The Customers job: Promoting the Company.

Individual difference: Not everyone wants to Participate.

(II) Recruit ,Educate and Reward Customers.

Recruit the right  Customers.

Educate & Train Customers to perform effectively.

(III) Manage the Customer mix.


The level and nature of /customer participation in the service process are strategic decisions that can impact an organization productivity, its positioning relative to competitors, its service quality, and its customer participation. Let us examine the strategies captured for involving Customers effectively in the service delivery process. The overall goals of a customer participation strategy will typically be to increase productivity and customer satisfaction while simultaneously decreasing uncertainty due to unpredictable customer participation is self-service often facilitated by technology.

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