Structure Of the BMS Content Writing Internship



With the content writing internship program, for a period of 45 days; we at plan to give you the best internship experience of your life time. You can become masters at content creation, digital marketing and also learn the essentials of team work while developing your communication skills.

We also have a wide variety of interactive activities along with the entire working and learning process that shall ensure you have the experience of your life time; that too in a work from home format.

 Week One:


You shall be given a content calendar for the entire week, comprising of a variety of topics from different genres such as academics, politics, cinema, health and fitness, social causes, youth issues, etc to familiarize yourself with content creation. You shall learn how to write for the web media and its nuances while discovering the category you have a liking for.

Week Two:

Now that you have shown your dependability and consistency as an intern and figured out the category that interests you the most, we progress by assigning you a login ID and a specific category making you the category specific blogger for the same. At the same time training shall go on, ensuring your skills as a content creator improves.

a challenge accepted

You need to be creative, innovative and ready to take on challenges when you are a BMS intern as you shall have the full authority at planning the content for the category you are allotted. By the Thursday of the second week, you will plan the content you wish to contribute for the next week, use your creativity and create something unique which is totally off – beat and out of the box thinkers!

This is a part of what we call as Content Thursday on BMS, where you submit your content plans and calendar for the next week, a ritual to be followed every week.


By week 3 you are a pro where writing is concerned, so we progress by teaching you to market your articles on the two giants in the world of social media Facebook and Twitter.

By week 3 you are a pro where writing is concerned, so we progress by teaching you to market your articles on the two giants in the world of social media Facebook and Twitter.

soc media

Week 4 is your last week as the student as you finally learn Google plus and Scheduling for different social media sites, progressing to your monthly review after which you graduate to the next level.

Once you finish 50  articles of 1000 words each you shall get your Internship Certificate and step out as the guru of content creation and digital marketing.


Of course we leave you with the exclusive opportunity to join in as a part time blogger for BMS.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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