Students run for ‘Safe Women, Safe Mumbai’


Students run for ‘Safe Women, Safe Mumbai’.

Mumbai 5th January: Guru Nanak College students organize a ‘Minithon’ in Sion-Matunga area on 5th January 2013 as a prelude to their annual Intercollegiate festival ZEAL 2013. This initiative was taken by the students to spread the message that ‘a city safe for women, is a safe city’ hence, the slogan ‘Safe Women, Safe Mumbai’. About 250 students from various colleges across Mumbai participated in the seven-km run. There were prizes for girl and boy winners.
The Minithon was a huge success. Event Head Rahul Pawar says “We are happy that the students showed a keen interest in Minithon and the cause. In our own small way, we have tried to sensitize the community and the youth in particular towards harassment of women.”
Principal Dr. Bina Punjabi says “the police and the law-enforcing agencies have to do their part but we as responsible citizens also have to contribute to bring about the desired change in our society. Being aware of our duties and responsibilities as citizens will help to eradicate the social evils prevalent in our society.”

The Minithon was a part of the Intercollegiate festival ZEAL 2013 which will begin on Wednesday 9th January 2013. Zeal hosts competitions related to media, management, finance, IT and communication skills along with entertainment and fun-filled activities.

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