“Study as if you are getting to learn something new and not just for passing” says Prathamesh Salunke, TYBMS Topper, Siddharth College




Name- Prathamesh Pratap Salunke

College – Siddharth College of Commerce and Economics

Aggregate %-          75.25%

Project Grade-         O

Electives chosen in Sem 6 – Investment analysis and portfolio management


I am normal guy from a middle class family consisting of 5 members Me Mom-Dad, an elder brother and his wife. I have being awarded as the Best Student of BMS for the year 2012-13 of my college. My hobbies are making new friends, photography, gaining knowledge, sometimes it might not be related to my profession. I am a big fan of Cars and wanted to do Automobile Engg but due to low percentage in my 10th and some family problems was not able to take Science. Anyways but I don’t think so by taking Commerce and then BMS I have done any mistake. Currently pursuing my MBA from IEIBS AKADEMIA located in Vashi.

My Hobbies are I like doing photography and driving cars. I have top in BMS for consistently for 4 semesters is one of my achievements and other is being awarded as the best student for the year 2012-13.

 I am fondly known by Pratham, Prathu or Pratzz.

My ambition in life is to become a Chief Operations Officer of an Automobile Company. As it is the sector in which I have great interest in.

In BMS my most memorable moments were, the Industrial Visits, I have gone for, I had gone to Shimila, Rajasthan and Hyderabad.

 The most funniest thing which I have done in BMS is being enjoyed a whole lecture standing out with my friends for coming late from break to lecture, I will like to tell their names as well Sonal Mathur, Hardik Shah and Moumita Ghosh.

BMS is nothing but, what Business is and how management plays an important role in it.


Did you take Coaching? If yes, which classes?

Yes, I had taken coaching from Navigator tutorials in my Last year i.e. for  5th semester & 6th semester as well.


Which factors were considered in mind while selecting the Sem 6 Electives/Optional subjects?

The factor which I considered while choosing elective subject first was my liking towards it, another part which I took into consideration was scoring marks. If we go to finance we can score more marks, as if the whole sum or a problem is right, we can get full marks. In marketing inspite of the whole write answer the examiner does not give full marks.


Did you use BMS.co.in for your exam preparation? Which sections of BMS.co.in helped you?

At first I was not aware of BMS.co.in till last year. But due to the affiliation programme which took place for the topper of 5th semester, I came to know about it. I have used BMS.co.in the ending part of my BMS course.


     How do you feel to be a consistent topper in both Sem 5 and Sem 6 exams? Whats the secret/success mantra?

There is no as such success mantra. I always believe in doing things without thinking of its fruits. After being topper of 5th semester, I also was diverted from my goal. But due to good support and understanding between me and my parents, brought me on the track again.


Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

The people behind me and my success are my family members who always showed a trust on me and always gave a freedom to do things, in which I am interested in. As I mentioned above about my family which consists of Mom-Dad, Big brother and sister-in-law. One person without whom this success wouldn’t have been achieved is Prof. Devika Suryawanshi.The co-ordinator of BMS Department in my college who has always helped me a lot in my studies as well as provided her valuable guidance to me as and when required. Last but not the least my friends as; I have mentioned above their names as well Sonal Mathur, Hardik Shah and Moumita Ghosh, who were with me in my good as well as in my bad times who supported me a lot.


 What is your message to the aspirants?

The message I will like to give not only to BMS aspirants, but others as well are as follow:

I would like to give a message to the next batch of BMS students to start their studies right from the beginning rather than starting it at last moment. Study as if you are getting to learn something new and not just for passing. Please do, study by understanding its meaning not by ratafying. It will not help you out.

  • Always have a positive attitude in ourself, whatever the situation may be. As ups and down in life are nothing but the part and parcel of life.
  • Never give up atleast try to attempt.
  • Never take any decision in the influence of others.
  • Always do things which we think feel good and not depending on others, having a feeling that what others will think.
  • If possible try to do internship in any of the sector of your choice.


What was your study plan?

I don’t have any self-made study plan. But a month before the exam I make it, as the overall idea of how much time should be allotted to each subject gets cleared and helps in studying properly. Which help me to study and keep a target before me to complete it on time.  I study 3-4 hours a day except college and class time, while during exams I study 6-7 hours or more.


Marks of every subject:

Eship     75

OR         87

IF            74

IMTP     70

IM          67

IAPM    85

Total    458

Percentage 76.33%

Aggregate is 75.25%.

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