– Online Partner of BMS Academic Excellence Awards 2013


Stupidsid was born out of a very casual and innocent discussion (which later turned into a very sincere and heated argument) between a small group of third year engineering students of DJ Sanghvi College (Mumbai University). The discussion was broadly about the education system in India – about how parents tell their kids from the Eighth Grade onwards, until their Post-Graduation, that ‘This is the year that will decide where you are 20 years from now’. Eventually it came to a point when we questioned, ‘We’re going to end up saying exactly the same things to our kids in a few years! OR is there something we can do?’

We decided to come up with a website that offers more than just formal praise or silly statistics about courses, colleges and universities. So we’ve done away with the boring, ‘intelligent’, ‘official’ nonsense. Enter a whole new way of seeing things- the way students today think- what we like to call the layman’s language. It’s in no way stupid, like the name might suggest, but it’s simple, honest, and most importantly, casual. is owned and managed by Avocation Educational Services Pvt. Ltd, a Mumbai-based company.


Change the way aspiring engineers study and make decisions about education.


Create an online platform to facilitate engineering students in India with:

  1. Content to help them make informed decisions at every step of their graduate education
  2. Study material to help them understand their course better

For more details, logon to

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