Subhashini Naikar


An interview with Subhashini Naikar, BMS faculty of Ghanshyamdas Saraf College.

Name – Subhashini Naikar

College – Prahladrai dalmia lions college of commerce and economics-

Tell us something about yourself
As far as my professional self is concerned I possess seven years of corporate experience in Management and marketing and four years of teaching experience for graduate and post graduate students. I have done & from University of Mumbai. After joining the corporate, I realized that for growth along with hard and smart working it is upgradation that matters so joined Diploma in Human Resource Management from Welingkar. Further did Diploma in Business management, Advanced diploma in Business administration and PG diploma in Human resource Management. Currently am pursuing Mphil from YCMOU.

Hmm talking about my personal self I love to enjoy each moment of my life. Love to listen to soft music, do lots of shopping, travel to adventurous places, see horror movies, cartoon movies, bugging my bro and mom and much more.

When did you join the teaching profession? What inspired you to choose this line?
I joined teaching profession in the year 2007. My last job involved conducting seminars into the colleges across Mumbai and Pune, whereby I got lots of feedback stating teaching was nice, explanation was nice. I gave these feedback a deep thought and jumped to the teaching profession whereby have got all the flexibility of doing the things that interest me.

Which subjects do you teach?
Well my education is into Management and experience is into Marketing I take subjects like Human resource management, Introduction to Management, Marketing management, Productivity and Quality management, Strategic Management, International Marketing, Research Methodology, Brand building, Advertising, Copy writing.

What is your teaching philosophy?
I believe in imparting more than what is mentioned in the text books. I mostly allow the students have a practical exposure by giving them live projects, Case studies, Vocabulary sections. I do, make my students refer magazine, reference books and websites to gain in depth knowledge about the concepts.

Do you believe in teaching should be full of ideas rather than stuffed with facts?
Of course I would like to share an example here. If u teach a child without pictures “A for Apple”, the child will only understand the term apple whereby for that child an apple can be anything that is shown to him/her later.

Can a student from Arts/science background also do BMS?
Yup. On the contrary there are some reservation of seats for the arts and science background students.

As a BMS faculty, what kind of projects do you expect bms students to work upon?
In this competitive market research has become an unavoidable component for all the sectors. Whereby these industries should come forward to offer their research projects to these students, which provides the students with practical exposure as well as do an in-depth study.

Do you think a BMS Student should participate in College fests and Industrial Visits? Why?
A BMS student’s life is incomplete if they don’t participate in these events. These fests allow the students to interact with the other college students and share the views and ideas. Industrial visits allow the students to know how the theoretical concepts they learnt are implemented.

People say BMS is 70 % of first year MBA. After BMS, is work experience important for MBA?
Part time MBA & Executive MBA needs work experience. If one is going for full time MBA then one can join after graduation. As I too teach MBA students I agree with the fact that first year of MBA is 70 % of BMS.

There is a shortage of eminent professors at bachelors’ level management. With more and more institutes joining the professional courses bandwagon, do you think BMS will become yet another Bcom?
No I don’t think so that BMS will become a conventional course, because the Board of Studies members for BMS include people from prominent business schools and corporate whereby the syllabus and subjects are accordingly discussed and updated.

What should BMS education mean to a student?
Attending lectures + Taking active part in presentation + Personality development leads to BMS education. Basically BMS makes a student to expose to various management i.e. from finance to quality so it allows the child to have wide scope for placement too.

Do you think the course curriculum is at par with industry expectations?

Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this?
The tolerance levels of today’s students are falling down drastically for which the student, their family and teachers all are responsible. The end to this is possible when the students are offered faculty who should be a counselor and mentor both. Those students who fall in this category should be counseled at the right time. If education is not able to build a tolerance level for them then it needs a deep thought.

Who in your life has most influenced you?
My brother Venkatesh K who is an admin manager in an educational institution and my mom who is a home maker. I get very easily influenced even from my students also.

What are your professional/career goals?
Have cleared my SET exam in Sept 2009. Have a goal of getting into the corporate training.

Do alumni come back and tell you about life after bms?
I feel proud of my students who share such bonding that today also when they face any corporate or personal problem they feel to talk to me. They speak about college days and are still in touch through social website and sms.

A famous quote says “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others”. What would you like to say on this?
Yes I do agree. As candle can be given any shape even a teacher plays various roles to make the student understand the concept.

Who would you call as the best student so far in your memory?
All my students are best for me.

One touching incident that happened with you in your teaching career?
One of my student in the first lecture in first year was not able to introduce herself, even was not able to say her name. I was surprised that if she has such phobia how she will give presentation and all. Spoke to her and counseled her and she was the one who did an excellent presentation not in the first year but in the second she was marvelous.

What suggestions would you like to give to mumbai university for amendments in the BMS course?
University of Mumbai is doing good job. They are upgrading the subjects according to the industrial need. For instance adding the subjects like the retail and ecommerce for TYBMS.

How do you find What help should it provide in future?
I found the very good. It is always rocking. Keep it up.

What message would you like to give to the bms students?
I would like to tell the BMS students make the optimum utilization of your course, don’t take the presentation and projects as burden but take it with spirit of doing something innovative. Enjoy each and every moment of college life because this life once missed cannot be brought again

Thank you so much for giving us your valuable time. I’m sure reading this interview would be a great help and inspiration for the students.

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