Success and Failure in BMS Sem 5 Exams!


With the TYBMS Sem 5 Results declaring today, there are many students who passed and few who have failed.

Congratulations to those who passed but those who couldn’t make it in the First attempt, they can give these exams again on 7th March, 2011. i.e. the ATKT exams.

You guys know what that “Failure improves the taste the victory”.

Failing in Exams is getting one more opportunity to give YOUR best and better from the Rest.

Its all in our MIND. There is no success or failure in real sense.

If we give up, then we have failed. But even if we fail and don’t give up, then Success is with Us.

We are there for you and always be there for you to help and support YOU in all what you want.

Help us to help YOU!

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  1. hey hiee
    my Q is as im failed in bms 5semester, very damn tense abt 6semester.. ima jus not able to understand what gonna happen now after failling in 5semester i can appear for 6semester or not ????? and how many K.T r allowed ??? pls pls pls pls pls pls suggest me…..

  2. hiii, i had fail in financial management, as i had attempetd all questions, but still i had fail in FM paper,i really got frustrated,as why dis happens with me, n now m having in my mind, that i wil attempt atkt for fm paper, n if mumbai university put again tough paper of fm like previous fm paper, then what wil be my condition how can normal student can passed out, if again there will be tough paper of FM, PLZZZZZZZZZZZZ HELP

    1. @nargis…. don’t take tension… appear for atkt paper which will be starting from march 7th.
      don’t worry about how the paper would be. it would be easy. just practice and give ur best.

    1. I gave my exam 2012~ oct fm i got kt ..den i appeard for kt paper in april.but again i got kt nw im apearing in oct.but what I
      f i get again kt in fm ..cain i appear in april..plz help

  3. hiii…i had k.t in 5th sem of bms…and i have solved this k.t in my additional exam
    so suppose i would passe in 6th sem with entire subject…what will be effect on my result
    is their my percentage consider or not
    plz repyyyy

  4. Dear All,

    This is Danish Chaus apreared in TYBMS but in 5th sem i got ATKT in 4 subjects when i done my ATKT exam it also in negative way and also got a failed result in 6th sem also, i really dont expect this type of results. Now i got a Abroad Job oppurtunity but i feel that i have to become a graduate, and i really dont have enough money to complete my remaining studies. Please………. Help me

  5. hey….i had failed in SM and MM both the subjects and after retest i passed the only concern is i have 2 Attempts written in my marksheet…will that affect my career..during interviews and all…plz suggest..

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