“Success cannot be achieved overnight” says Nandish Chheda, Vidyalankar TYBMS Topper 2013


An Interview with Nandish Chheda, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper,

Vidyalankar School of Information and Technology (75.33%)

New Picture (4)


Success mantra – “Behind every action, there is some kind of Intention.”

  • Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m very simple kind of guy and always believe in taking actions rather than just sit and think. As far as my family background is concerned, my father is a shopkeeper – a very simple man who doesn’t have faith on his son or might be he doesn’t express it but he is my role model and has great contribution in building my personality. 


  • Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

No, it was really unexpected when my friend called me up and said “Arey! Tune toh top kiya hai!” and I was like “Masti mat kar saale… tujhe main hi mila”. Then I decided to go to college to check the my and friends’ results. I started my Activa and ‘bruummmmbrummm’ went to college. I entered the college and suddenly all my friends started shouting “Party.. Party… Top maara saale tune”. I was just about to cry not for being the topper but finally I got the fruit of my hardwork.

I would whole heartedly give credit to my loving parents and my teachers who groomed me well and understood and supported me throughout. Special thanks to Dr. Kelki Bhatti who motivated me a lot in all Semesters and my Coaching class professors Geet Mam, Vishal and Mihir Sir who stood for me like pillars and lastly my dear friends Manish, Sandeep, Ankit, Akon, Krunal, Bist, Vikrant, Navnath. Nothing would have been possible without their support.


  • Did you prepare religiously from day One or A few weeks before the exams?

I don’t think Success can be achieved overnight.

Yes I used to study hard and sleep only for 4 hours. I did not follow any fixed timetables but if I select any subject, I would see to it that I complete that particular subject anyhow. I had set goals for studying and completed my portion and revision before 1 month of exams. A sword can get sharp edge before exams. So it is essential to manage studies in smarter way before few days of exams.


  • Can you share some insights on how to crack the subjects before exams?
  1. Make proper and simple notes as it saves time and becomes easy to memorize and recollect during exams
  2. Do markings on the lines/sentences which you feel are important so that you can elaborate it later
  3. Case studies don’t have a standard answer. So if you complete a particular chapter/lesson then you can just read cases with solutions which are given behind every chapter

Chillout tips:

  1. Have glucose water while studying
  2. Practical subjects should be done during night because morning time is good to read theory
  3. Put all distractions aside and just concentrate on studies
  4. If you are successful to do the above things then you are on your way to success 😉


  • Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

Yes, I had joined Navigators for 3 subjects – Logistics, FM, SSF and I can’t say that Classes are necessary as it depends on students and their dedication. I have seen many people who don’t go for coaching classes but still have performed well.


  • Did you participate in college fests or extra-curricular activities?

I never participate in extra-curricular activities / pursued any additional courses and internships as my dad is a shopkeeper and I handle his business after my college hours and devote the remaining time to my studies.


  • Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

My dad is the one who had made me so strong that even if I fail then also I won’t commit suicide and take any sort of unnecessary tension. Tension is just for fraction of a second and if you cannot afford or manage it then failure is sure but you should always accept it and try your best to perform next time. When you are depressed, just think of your parents and best buddies and a wonderful world which is waiting for you in future.


  • Do you think BMS students are flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams round the clock?

Yes, if the assignments are just written by few and copied by many then it is not worth. Projects are good as it helps you to work in team. Internal exams are a good platform to score because the portion is less in exams.


  •  What message would you like to give to the next batch of BMS students?

Just Believe in yourself and study hard. Enjoy life, have fun but don’t try to imitate anyone. Just BE YOURSELF!


  • Any Feedback/Suggestions for BMS.co.in?

BMS.co.in is doing good by providing notes and exam tips. I completely depended on the site for results updates. It would be great if you can provide placements i.e. link between students and organization then your website will be in huge demand.

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