Success is all about Human Relations


Human relations is quite necessary as it helps for the future and frankly speaking it totally depends on a person what he thinks or how he perceive human relations as stairs of Success or bonding of long lasting relations.

Someone once told me,
at the end of your life when you are old, fragile, perhaps sitting in a wheelchair, nursing home, or on life support, what will be important to you?

Will it be what you’ve accomplished at your job?
Sure, it’s great that you drove the Revenue of your company to all time highs or that you’ve spoke publicly at seminars around the world, you were great but that is over now- you are not associated with your job anymore, so was it worth skipping the ballet recital for a meeting?

Will it be the money you’ve made? So what your wheelchair is made of white gold and your trips to the hospital are traveled in a hummer? That won’t bring you a deep fulfilling happiness.

Will it be all the Knowledge you’ve acquired? Will the massive hours of studying, and research keep your heart and soul warm at night?

Success will be the genuine love you feel by the people that surround you, If you spend the time to hang out with friends, help your neighbors, bond with your family and children, take the time out to ask your mailman or gardener how their day is going then , at the end of your life when people are visiting, calling, surrounding and spending time with you –
that is when you feel in return the warmth you have cultivated and nurtured for yourself and others for so many years, this is to have succeeded.

It is essential to maintain human relations for a success. We can do it even by a simple smile; A Chinese proverb says, “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop”.”A smile opens more doors than all the efforts you can expand”. And it is also vital to be a good listener and talk in terms of other man’s interest and make other people feel important…….By following this type of relations one can really reach peak with people around them supporting, encouraging and helping in the way to reach the top……..

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.