Success is Not a destination; It is but the Journey



Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.                    

-Tony Robbins

Why do I exist as a human being? What is the purpose of my life? What makes me different from others? These are a few questions all of us have had from the very teenage.  I am not in such a great position so as to preach about life and success. However I have observed a lot of people with and without aspirations and definitely there is a huge difference that they make in their lives. Everyone must have watched Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone movie at least once.

The scene when the new students are seated under the Sorting Hat so that they further are chosen by to their respective houses is one extraordinarily remarkable scene. It is because we all love to play this game of choosing the right stream, group or for that matter a career for us over and over in our head. This game never gets obsolete. There is a basic tendency of a person to wait for alternatives and then choose the best of their interests. We do that because we are in search of our own potential.


Some of us are quite fortunate as they know what they wish to do in life. Most of us are like from refugee camps, shifting from one interest to another according to the mood, situation, parental force, and peer influence or sometimes just out of randomness. So the question is why we don’t know the reason of our survival? I think from my perspective we lack a very essential thought and which is to set a goal. As little as a day’s agenda to be followed everyday regularly will help us make ourselves unwavering and then we can take up a bigger challenge of setting up an agenda for a whole month.

There is a popular saying,A person without a goal is like a body without soul.” It indeed is true because it is not the big things in life that can occur miraculously until we start up inducing our long-term goals or opportunities by acting upon the smaller yet important things. Now there exists further more confusion of whether we are on the right track or not. So setting up just a goal will not help.


The goal should be oriented towards the most significant attribute associated with us. This attribute is paramount in nature because it is the one leading us somewhere in life and it is also the one which makes our character, our perspective and our approach towards life different from others. The factor which makes us stand out is Passion.

Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head.

– A. R. Rahman

So what is this passion thing? Does it pay? Does it make you a millionaire? Does it need like hard work? Questions are many to ask but somewhere down the line we all become materialistic and do ask our own selves to whether or not go with our passions. Passion, in my perspective, is an expression of our soul’s reflection.

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We all were born with a quality and to excel in that quality should be our penultimate goal. Believe it or not, that is only why we have descended on Earth. But it desires a big deal of diligence put in our actions with demanding grit and determination to patiently manage and deal with any circumstances that may obstruct our pathway to success. So to be passionate one must also be audacious.

Try try till you succeed. We all are well versed with this line. But in the rat race of reaching somewhere, that apparently no one knows, we always forget to implement it in reality. At one point is our dream, our goal and at the other point is our actual performance; and in between is a gap.

This gap analysis plays a vital role in making us efficient and a better person. Trying one more time is something like a prayer; one knows it’s not mandatory yet one prays to reassure himself that if I pray angels will be kind to me. Trying till you fail will never fail, one must always try harder out of the failure.

Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.

-Leah LaBelle

Affirmative attitude is the next step to achieve our goals before we actually accomplish them. It is strange fact but true that positive people will most definitely achieve their targets sooner than the negative ones’ even if they are smarter or more intelligent! That might even sound ridiculous to some, given the amount of industriousness put in one would certainly think what the great deal with affirmativeness is after all?

I can achieve anything even without it! But unfortunately this never works out. There is a strong vibe produced by affirmative attitude, proved by various scientific theories, that makes a favorable chance to win. It is such an easy thing to practice! All one needs to do is trust oneself and one’s own ability to perform adhering to the standards required.

Finally, one needs to have patience. Even miracles like The Famous Wonders of The World took a while to be what they are. We are meant to achieve something important and the best one can do is to follow the path of their dreams, what they actually want in life. It is a great Alchemist quote too that when you want something, all universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.


But nothing will happen by just reading a Shiv Khera, Paulo Coelho or Robin Sharma! The need of the hour is to understand your own self and follow your own dreams. Give your own style to whatever you do. Carve your niche which will best express your persona. Don’t try to live up to all the worldly standards but live up to your own standards and expectations. Only one person will help you deal with almost anything under the sun and that is you. The person in the mirror always speaks the truth so accept that person, love that person and try to embellish your thoughts by saying to yourself every day, one important thing, “Yes, I can!”

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll.

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

–         Invictus






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