“Success is not a one-time effort, keep trying to succeed” says Joyoson Mathai, BMS Alumni, S. M. Shetty College





 Tell us something about yourself:

  •  I strive hard to get what I want
  • If I determine something, I don’t stop until I achieve it.
  • I have good public relations skills.
  • I always speak truth, nothing else but the truth.
  • I have down-to-earth attitude.


5 good things about your college – S.M. Shetty college:

  • They don’t judge people.
  • Some faculty members are really good.
  • Library is nice.
  • Emmorzeal fest and Talent Hunt Competition are best.
  • Freedom to bunk lol 😉


 5 things you would like to change in BMS course:

  • Definitely Mumbai university should not check BMS answer papers and set paper also.
  • Presentation based passing
  •  Operation research paper should be optional.
  •  Students should be given the option of choosing the subjects they want in BMS.
  •  Six industrial visit every semester in BMS.


5 People who inspired you:

  • Steve Jobs (Entrepreneur)
  • Chetan Bhagat (Author)
  • Varun Agarwal (Entrepreneur)
  • Bryan Cranston (Actor)
  • Sachin Bansal (Entrepreneur)


Does KTs/Marks really matter to a recruiter/interviewer?

Not even 1%. They look for –

  • Good communication skills
  • Confidence
  • Patience
  • Positive Attitude
  • Practical skills

Eg- I was the Sponsorship HOD for Emmorzeal for 2 years, hence I had practical knowledge of dealing with clients and customers.

Message you would like to give to BMS students:

  •  Do practice Practical subjects like F.M, I.F, O.R
  • Make notes of all imp questions given in college and study that during the university exam.
  • Complete your paper and answer all the question in your exam that is the key to passing.
  •  If you get ATKT, don’t lose hope and give your paper for revaluation and photo copy and you will pass 99%.
  • Do not be a nerd you must also take part in all activities in college.


Career prospects for BMS students:

BMS Students should explore jobs like:

  • BDM business development manager
  • Business support administrator
  • HR consultancy also is good
  • Business executive also


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