Sugar Belle-The New, Lip-Smacking Cake Retreat


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Sweet tooth and a craving for scrumptious pastries? We will tell you where you need to head at!Because  the swanky and five-star pastry shops are not always immaculate, finger-licking retreats for you! It is true that beautiful things never ask for attention and the Sugar Belle by an amateur Aaisha Madani just speaks for itself with some fondues, cakes and one hell of baking delights. Winners include Chocolate Ganache and Red Velvet. Her passion for baking is intriguing and her cakes will leave you awestruck with an age so young!

Baking since the age of 12 years she has learnt the hard way after many defeats and now does a marvellous job! Her desire to bake was a sudden urge which transformed into passion.Baking has become her refuge and she has got engulfed in serenity with no worries whatsoever.

What we tried-The Red Velvet! What do we have to say about it? It is totally a culinary delight.From the presentation to the taste, it is job done pretty good!Neither too sugary nor too subtle for your taste-buds, this Red-Velvet is perfect for your palette.


What you should do?

If you love cakes and fondues,the Sugar Belle is the perfect place you need to head at!

Place your order at – [email protected]

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