Summer internship at Youth Incorporated magazine for aspiring writers


YI Junior Editorial Board 2015



Youth Incorporated is India’s award winning monthly magazine with a dual focus on education and entertainment. The magazine provides information about various courses & programs, main stream & out of the box career options, professor & dean interviews, study India & abroad articles and much more. The entertainment section talks about health, fitness, fashion, beauty, relationships, travel and more to provide a balanced platform for the youth.


Every year Youth Incorporated invites young writers to be a part of the Junior Editorial Board (JEB) an internship programme from 20th May to 20th June in which chosen Junior Editors help put together the ANNIVERSARY issue of the magazine. The JEB members will work on the entire issue right from concept to design and print. They will be featured in the magazine as well as get a certificate at the end of the internship.


We would like to invite aspiring writers at your reputed institute to apply for the same by sending a 300-400 word writing sample to [email protected] before 10th May 2015.

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