Super Bowl XLIX – 5 Facts You Should Know About The Game


super bowl xlix

Super Bowl XLIX was an American Football game between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots and the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Seattle Seahawks to decide the National football League (NFL) champion.

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According to Elias, the Patriots are the first team to reach the Super Bowl without having a player with 100 rush attempts.


The Patriots defeated the Seahawks 28-24 in the game played on February 1 2015 at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. It was the second Super Bowl game played in this stadium.

phoenix stadium

Katy Perry, Missy Elliot and Lenny Kravitz made special guest appearances at the halftime of the game.

katy perry 2014 MTV Video Music Awards - Roaming Show Lenny-Kravitz-Katy-Perry

It was the first time in a decade that and NFL team played in two Super Bowl games in a row.

New England Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick & Seattle Seahawks Head Coach Pete Carroll Joint Press Conference super bowl xlix3

Idina Menzel performed the National Anthem before the big game.

idina menzel 1 idina menzel


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