Super Nani Movie Review


Indra Kumar who in recent years has directed comedies like Grand Masti, Dhamaal among others goes decades back when he made Beta and brings back the plot, which in that era was in trend. But keeping the similar plot and executing it with the same approach today couldn’t help Super Nani to register itself in the hearts and wits of the viewers.

Super Nani movie review

The movie opens with Bharti Bhatia (Rekha) doing all sorts of work in home alongside pampering her kids and grand children. She loves to perform work with pleasure and equally loves her family. But at one point all that care and hardwork is taken for granted and Bharti feels deeply hurt with it. Enters Manorath (Sharman Joshi), Bharti’s grand child who realizes the abuse and insult through which his Nani is going through. How will Manorath help her out and make the family realize the value of a lady who gave her entire life nourishing them?

Indra Kumar’s ‘Super Nani’ is made with lot of heart and emotions but despite its strong subject it hardly touches our soul. The movie’s biggest weakness is its predictability and over melodrama which worked two decades back when family drama movies were most served in Bollywood.

Although such kind of treatment to a lady is still prevalent in our society but the way it is presented before us is too old-fashioned. It’s hard to imagine a grandma out of persuasion by her grand child changes her clothes and flirts with a movie director (Anupam Kher). The jokes fall flat and the heart rendering scenes like Bharti being taunted by her grand kids and husband couldn’t infiltrate a grief emotion within us.

Super Nani movie review

The ‘gyaan baazi’ is on till the end while the one-liners hardly make any difference in the movie. Just watching the evergreen actress Rekha could be one reason up for this movie. She plays an innocent, loving and caring Nani with immense responsibility. No wonder she is an ageless beauty and carries her persona with confidence.

Sharman Joshi as a guide to his Grandma is great. Anupam Kher tickles funny bone as a filmmaker. Randhir Kapoor as Rekha’s on screen husband has few good scenes. Debutant Shweta Kumar is good.

But sadly all performances are hit hard by the bad screenplay in the movie.


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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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