Support Talent, Don’t Be Against It



This Is A Story Of A Boy named Azaan.

Age 18.

His father was very supportive. But he was against music..

And Azaan was more included in music as he was a good writer and a part time singer. His sis was very good with him and she was the only one who supports Azaan..and now let me come on the story…… Azaan just cleared 12th and got admission in some course in a college near by his home.

In college, he saw a girl and just after seeing that girl he fall in love with her(LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT) and he thought to write a song on her as he was a good writer.

After 2- 3 days he got high temperature fever and he was hospitalised and day by day his platelets  also called “thrombocytes”, are blood cells whose function (along with the coagulation factors) is to stop bleeding. were going down and doctor said azaan’s condition is too critical if in 2 3 he wont recover than it will be difficult to save him.

doctor thought he was sleeping but he was not and he heard all things which doctor said to his parents but he didn’t woke up in front of the doctor and his parents after when the doctor and his parents moved out from d ICU

Azaan started crying 🙁 and he thought to write a song on his crush as he thought before he was very much serious for that immediately he started d song and within a day he completed his song as he was knowing that his condition is critical and its difficult to recover he called his sister with whom he was very friendly and asked her to keep that song with her as she was knowing about Azaan’s crush she asked whts thiz Bro ??? Azaan replied sis its a song written by me for your bhabhi 😛 and laughed, sis this song is very precious for me please publised it after my death and he smiled Azaan’s sis pulled that piece of paper from Azaan’s hand and said him nothing gonna happen to you and went out and started crying.. Next morning suddenly Azaan’s condition was becoming worst doctors immediately started his treatment but they couldn’t save Azaan….as he was the only son in d home that’s why all family members were in a great shock of losing him..specially his sis..

After a month his sis read that song which Azaan has Wrote she liked it very much and as Azaan said to her she published that song with the help of her clgz music band and after the publication of that song the song became the superhit song of d year in Her nobody was knowing abt the writer of the song except Azaan’s sister

People asked her about that song than she disclosed all the details about that song….and Azaan’s father got to know that his son has written such a good song. And he felt very proud of his son…… after that Azaan’s father who was against music starts a music clz in the name of Azaan

And also starts loving music…..

Support Talent Dont Be Against It..

And now the story ends up here hope u all liked it




Writer : Afriz qureshi (Mr.Nobody)

Published by : Jasneet Sethi


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Tolani College
Tolani College of Commerce is a commerce college in Andheri East, Mumbai, India.


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