SYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 3 Syllabus: Financial Management


The syllabus of SYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 3 – Financial Management is given below:


  1. Meaning and scope of Financial Management
  2. Functions and Objectives of Financial Management
  3. Changing role of Finance Managers
  4. Working Capital Management
  5. Definition – GWC & NWC – explain core assets and non core assets
  6. Components of working capital
  7. Factors determining working capital.

Receivables Management:

  1. Meaning and Importance
  2. Credit Policy variables
  3. Case study on credit evaluation
  4. Methods of credit evaluation – traditional and numerical credit scoring
  5. Monitoring the debtors – techniques: DSO, Ageing schedule, Collection matrix

Cash Management:

  1. Motives of holding cash,
  2. Strategies of cash management,
  3. Cash Budget: meaning and objectives,
  4. Budgeting of receipts and payments – trading, non-trading and capital,
  5. Preparation of monthly budget and finding out closing cash balance (excl. financial statements to be made from the working capital estimation)

Cost of Capital and Capital Structures:

  1. Types of capital,
  2. Debt,
  3. Equity,
  4. Retained earnings,
  5. Preference,
  6. Cost of capital for each type of capital,
  7. Weighted cost of capital,
  8. Marginal cost of capital w.r.t. Expansion
  9. Designing capital structure alternatives
  10. Types of Leverages – Combined, Operating, Financial.

Capital Budgeting:

  1. Introduction,
  2. Types of capital,
  3. Sources of capital,
  4. Evaluation of capital expenditure proposal from given cash flow,
  5. Concept of present value,
  6. Techniques of appraisal of investment proposal,
  7. Payback period method,
  8. Average rate of return method,
  9. Net present value method,
  10. Profitability index method.


Business Restructuring:

  1. Importance,
  2. Financial implication,
  3. Valuation.


Types of business restructuring:

  1. Merger,
  2. Amalgamation,
  3. De-merger,
  4. Other restructurings – elementary accounting problems –testing fundamental knowledge only


Long term and short term sources of finance;

  1. Traditional and modern instruments of finance including securitizations.


The list of reference books of Financial Management is as follows:

  1. Financial management – Chandra Prasana
  2. Financial Management – Khan M. and Jain
  3. Financial Management and Policy – James, C.
  4. Financial Management – Pandey, I.M.
  5. Fundamentals of Financial Management – Horne J, Walchowicz J.
  6. Investment Management – Bhalla V
  7. Financial Management – Diwan P.
  8. Financial Management – Bhalla V.K.
  9. Financial Management- Kapur S.
  10. Financial Management Handbook – Alexander Hamilton
  11. Techniques of Financial Management – Helfert.

FM syllabus

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