SYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 3 Syllabus: Global Warming and Climate Change


SYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 3 Syllabus: Global Warming and Climate Change

Unit 1:

  1. Role of ozone in environment,
  2. Ozone layer,
  3. Ozone depleting gases,
  4. Green House Effect

Unit 2 :

  1. Temperature profile of the atmosphere,
  2. Laps rates,
  3. Temperature inversion,
  4. Effects of inversion on pollution dispersion.

Unit 3:

  1. Causes of climate change
  2. Change of temperature in the environment,
  3. Melting of ice pole-sea level rise
  4. Role of fossil fuels.

Unit 4;

  1. Mitigation measures,
  2. Cleaner production,
  3. Alternative fuel measures

Unit 5

  1. Kyoto Protocol,
  2. Intergovernmental Panel on climate change (IPCC)


Reference Books:

  1. Adaptation and mitigation of climate change – Scientific technical analysis – Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  2. Third Assessment Report – Volume I – Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  3. Climate Change and India: Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation. Eds. Shukla P.R. Universities press pvt. Ltd.
  4. Global Warming: The Complete Briefing – Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  5. Ecology and Environmental Biology – Books and Allied (P) Ltd.
  6. Proceedings of the National Conference on Effect of climate change and sustainable resource management – SRM University
  7. Vermicomposting – A technological option for solid waste management – Rao, M.N. Datar, M.Y. and Reddy, S. 1997.


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