SYBMS Sem 3 Syllabus



1) Managerial Accounting:

Nature of Management Accounting,
Functions of a Management Accountant,
Different types of costing,
Job costing,
Batch costing,
Process costing,
Uniform costing,
Standard costing,
Managerial costing and Break even Analysis,
Budgetary control,
Types of Budget,
Flexible Budgeting,
Capital Budgeting.

2) Managerial Economics – II

National Income Analysis: National Income Calculations and their applications – Business Fluctuations, features and causes.
Balance of payment Analysis: Concept and causes of disequilibrium – Devaluation and its impact on trade – Mechanism of International Payments – Flexible exchange rate systems.
Policy Environment: Monetary and Fiscal policy – Impact on business decision making – Trade Policies – Role of World Trade Organisation.
Globalisation: Gains and Problems – Emerging regional trade blocks – International capital flows (with special reference to India) – Foreign Direct Investment – Portfolio Management.
Case Studies on Government policy and business environment relating to any one of the following countries: India, U.S.A., China and Japan.

3) Marketing Management:

Introduction to marketing concept,
Difference between Sales and Marketing,
Relevance of Marketing concept to Indian Companies,
Marketing mix,
Marketing structure,
Market Opportunity analysis,
Marketing Research and information system,
Consumer Behaviour,
Marketing segmentation,
Targeting and posting,
Designing Products,
Packaging and service New product development and P.L.C. Distribution. Pricing, Promotion, Social responsibility and marketing ethics.

4) Material Management:

Introduction to the concepts of operations and Operations
Management Development of Production Function.
Relation of Production with other functions like design function, purchase function, plant layout maintenance etc.
Product Classification, Product selection (steps for identifying
the product for manufacturing),
Product development (market pull, technology push, inter functional approach).
Brief description / importance of Research, Development and
Design of a Product
Facilities planning (how much to produce, level of automation,
facilities required for manufacturing, where to produce
arranging required facilities how to produce etc).
Production System
Plant Layout Differences between various types-of layout
(Product layout, Process layout, Cellular layout, Static of layout
Various types of Material Handling Systems.
Their guidelines /principles, distinguishing features uses
Overview of various types of maintenance systems
Meaning / Functions Nature of Production, Planning & Control
Importance of Materials Management (corporate policy,
organization, research, planning, source selection)
Value analysis and Value Engineering
Purchase management importance of purchasing various R’s
of purchasing systems.
Need for forecasting price / policy on seasonal commodities
and capital equipments.
Simple problems on various types of forecasting including exponential smoothing.
Inventory management, its prime importance in our country
Inventory Control Techniques – ABC, FSN, GOLF, VED, SOS,
HML, Make-or-buy decisions. Problems on ABC analysis.
Warehousing and stores management.
Centralized and decentralized stores.
Brief introduction to various methods of stores accounting.
Need for stock verification.
Management of scrap / waste / surplus / obsolete materials.
JIT, KANBAN, KAIZEN, Push V/s Pull concept.
Materials Requirement Planning.
Explanation of EOQ – its advantages / limitations
Types of inventory systems (P-system and the
Q-system). Need for safety stock / reserve stock.
(Simple problems on these topics.)
SQC. Techniques of SQC.
Control Charts X-bar chart, RChart,
P-Chart, C-Chart, Graphical representation.
(Direct problems on them)

5) Business Aspects in Banking & Insurance

Overview of Indian Baking Sector
Structure of Indian Baking Sector
Sources of funds for a bank
Various deposit products
Types of bank financing – fund based and non fund based
Cash credit, bank overdraft, term loan, demand loan,
export / import financing rural, farm lending etc.
Bank guarantee
Introduction to NPAs and its management
Classification of NPAs and recovery strategy
Central Banking – Concept
Functions and role of RBI
Money Creator
Credit Regular
Supervision of Banking Sector
Reforms in Indian Baking
Narsimham Committee I & II
Fundamentals of Investment Banking
Fund based and Fee based services
Innovations in banking – E Banking
Introduction to NBFCs – Role and Classification
Introduction to Insurance
Basic Principles of Insurance
Significance of Insurance to Business
Reasons for slow growth of insurance business in India
Types of Insurance
Life, Fire, Marine, Crop / Agriculture Insurance
Policy Servicing and Claims Settlement
Nomination and assignment
Surrender Value and Paid up Value of Policy
Procedure to take life insurance policy
Claim settlement under life insurance policy

6) Strategic Management

Introduction to Strategic Management
Definitions & Concepts
(Company / Business / Management levels)
Nature, importance & benefits of strategic Management
Strategic Management models & guidelines for effective Strategic Management
Overview of Strategic Management Process
Strategy Formulation
-Setting objectives (Vision, Mission, goals)
-Analysing internal and external environment (SWOT)
-Strategy making
•Entrepreneurial Model
•Adaptive Model
•Planning Model
Types of strategies
Analysing and choosing the right strategy
Strategy Implementation
Implementation of strategy to functional areas
– Operations
– Marketing
– Finance
– Human Resource Management
-Others (R & D, Innovation, Quality enhancement etc)
Strategy Evaluation
– Review
General Characteristics of an effective Evaluation System
Contingency planning and auditing


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