SYBMS Sem 3 Syllabus: Motivation and Leadership


Motivation and Leadership is a Semester 3 subject in Second Year Bachelor of Management Studies. The subject is introduced in SYBMS to gain knowledge of the leadership strategies for motivating people and changing organizations. The subject helps the BMS students to study how leaders facilitate group development and problem solving and work through problems and issues as well as transcend differences. Motivation and Leadership subject helps to acquaint the BMS students about practical approaches to Motivation and Leadership and its application in the Indian context.

Motivational Leadership means a leader implements a strategy for influencing people to follow them. The core principles of motivational leadership is that the leader should have strong ethics, clear vision, definable values and genuinely motivate to promote collaboration and positive energy throughout the organization.

Here we present SYBMS Sem 3 Syllabus of Motivation and Leadership:



[60 lectures: 3 Credit]


Unit 1 : 12 lectures

  1. Concept of motivation, Importance, Tools of Motivation.
  2. Theory Z, Equity theory.
  3. Process Theories- Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Valency- Four drive model .


Unit 2 : 15 lectures

  1. East v/s West, motivating workers (in context to Indian workers)
  2. The Indian scene – basic differences.
  3. Work – Life balance – concept, differences, generation and tips on work life balance.


Unit 3 : 17 lectures

  1. Leadership – Meaning, Traits and Motives of an Effective Leader, Styles of Leadership.
  2. Theories – Trait Theory, Behavioral Theory, Path Goal Theory.
  3. Transactional v/s Transformational leaders.
  4. Strategic leaders – meaning, qualities.
  5. Charismatic Leaders – meaning of charisma, Qualities, characteristics, types of charismatic leaders (socialized, personalized, office-holder, personal, divine)


Unit 4 : 16 lectures

  1. Great leaders, their style, activities and skills (Ratan Tata, Narayan Murthy, Dhirubhai Ambani, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump)
  2. Characteristics of creative leaders and organization methods to enhance creativity (Andrew Dubrein).
  3. Contemporary issues in leadership – Leadership roles, team leadership, mentoring, self leadership, online leadership, finding and creating effective leader.



Reference Books

  1. Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge (Author) – Organizational behaviour (15th Edition), Prentice Hall Publication.
  2. Niraj Kumar- Organisational Behaviour: A New Looks (Concept, Theory & Cases), Himalaya Publishing House
  3. Strategic Leadership – Sahu & Bharati – Excel Books
  4. Peter I. Dowling & Denice E. (2006). International HRM (1st ed.). New Delhi. Excel Books.
  5. French Wendell, Bell Cecil and Vohra Veena. (2004). Organization Development, Behavioral Science Interventions for Organization Improvement. (6th ed.)

SYBMS syllabus

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