SYBMS Sem 3 Syllabus: Organization Behaviour and HRM



Organization Behaviour is the study of the behaviour of individuals in the organization, work groups and how organizations overall behave. Organization Behaviour deals with various disciplines like psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology and political sciences. It is the study of individuals in the organization in order to develop a better organizational life.

Human Resource Management or HRM is a function that deals with the management of people within the organization. HRM focuses on policies and systems to undertake various number of activities like recruitment, training, development, performance appraisal etc.

Organization Behaviour and HRM is a subject in SYBMS Sem 3. In this subject, you will have 60 lectures and 3 credit.

Why to study OB and HRM?

1) To familiarize with the fundamental aspects of various issues associated with Human Resource Management as a whole.

2) To give a comprehensive overview of Organization Behaviour as a separate area of management

3) To introduce the basic concepts, functions and processes and create an awareness of the role, functions and functioning of Human Resource Management and OB.


There are 4 main units covered in this subject which are listed below:

Unit 1 – Introduction of Organization Behaviour – 12 lectures

Unit 2 – Managing Communication – 13 lectures

Unit 3 – Human Resource Management – 17 lectures

Unit 4 – Performance Appraisal – 18 lectures


The following are the topics covered in each unit:

Unit 1 – Introduction of Organization Behaviour

  1. Introduction to Organizational Behaviour- Concept, definitions, Evolution of OB
  2. Importance of Organizational Behaviour- Cross Cultural Dynamics, Creating Ethical Organizational Culture & Climate
  3. Individual and Group Behaviour- OB models –Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive, Collegial & SOBC in context with Indian OB
  4. Human Relations and Organizational Behaviour


Unit 2 – Managing Communication

  1. Managing Communication: Conflict management techniques.
  2. Time management strategies.
  3. Learning Organization and Organizational Design
  4. Rewards and Punishments- Termination, layoffs, Attrition, Retrenchment, Separations, Downsizing


Unit 3 – Human Resource Management

  1. HRM-Meaning objectives, scope and functions
  2. HRP-Definition, objectives, importance, factors affecting HRP, Process of HRP, Strategies of HRM, Global HR Strategies
  3. HRD-Concept, meaning, objectives, HRD functions


Unit 4 – Performance Appraisal

  1. Performance Appraisal: concept, process, methods and problems, KRA’S
  2. Compensation-concept, components of Pay Structure, Wage and salary administration, Incentives and Employee benefits.
  3. Career planning-concept of career Planning, Career stages and career planning


Reference Books:

  1. Griffin, Ricky W: Organizational Behaviour, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston.
  2. Prasad L M, Organizational Behaviour, Sultan Chand
  3. Khanka S. S., Organizational Behaviour, S. Chand
  4. P.L. Rao-International Human Resource
  5. Ivancevich; John and Micheol T. Matheson: Organizational Behaviour and Management, Business Publication Inc., Texas
  6. Koontz, Harold, Cyril O’Donnell, and Heinz Weihrich: Essentials of management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
  7. Luthans, Fred: Organizational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill, New York.



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