SYBMS Sem 3 Syllabus: Recruitment And Selection


Recruitment and Selection is a subject in Semester 3 of SYBMS. Recruitment and selection are the 2 important functions of manpower planning. Recruitment is an activity of establishing contacts between employers and potential employees (applicants). Selection is a process of choosing more competent and suitable employees for the organization.

Recruitment & Selection is a subject introduced in SYBMS to familiarize the BMS students with concepts and principles, procedure of recruitment and selection in an organization. The subject gives an in-depth insight into various aspects of Human Resource Management and makes them acquainted with practical aspects of the subject.



[60 lectures: 3 Credit]


Unit 1 : 18 lectures

  1. Concepts of Recruitment- -Meaning, Objectives, Scope & Definition, Importance and relevance of Recruitment.
  2. Job Analysis- -Concept, Specifications, Description, Process And Methods, Uses of Job Analysis
  3. Job Design – Introduction, Definition, Modern Techniques, Factors affecting Job Design, Contemporary Issues in Job Designing.
  4. Source or Type of Recruitment – a) Direct/Indirect, b) Internal/ External.
  • Internal – Notification, Promotion – Types, Transfer – Types, Reference
  • External – Campus Recruitment, Advertisement, Job Boards – Website/Portals, Internship, Placement Consultancies- Traditional (In-House, Internal Recruitment, On Campus, Employment And Traditional Agency). Modern (Recruitment Books, Niche Recruitments, Internet Recruitment, Service Recruitment, Website and Job, Search Engine, Social Recruiting and Candidate Paid Recruiters).
  1. Technique of Recruitment – Traditional Vs Modern – Recruitment
  2. Evaluation of Recruitment- Outsourcing Programme


Unit 2 : 15 lectures

  1. Selection – Concept of Selection, Criteria for Selection, Process, Advertisement and Application (Blank Format).
  2. Screening – Pre and Post Criteria for Selection, Steps of Selection
  3. Interviewing – Types and Guidelines for Interviewer& Interviewee, Types of Selection Tests, Effective Interviewing Techniques.
  4. Selection Hurdles and Ways to Overcome Them


Unit 3 : 15 lectures

  1. Induction – Concept, Types-Formal /Informal, Advantages of Induction, How to make Induction Effective
  2. Orientation & On boarding- Programme and Types, Process.
  3. Socialization-Types-Anticipatory, Encounter, Setting in, Socialization Tactics
  4. Current trends in Recruitment and Selection Strategies – with respect to Service, Finance, I.T., Law And Media Industry


Unit 4 : 12 lectures

1) Preparing Bio-data and C.V.

2) Social and Soft Skills – Group Discussion & Personal Interview, Video and Tele Conferencing Skills

3) Presentation and Negotiation Skills, Aesthetic Skills

4) Etiquettes – Different Types and Quitting Techniques.

5) Exit Interview- Meaning, importance.


Reference Books:

  1. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya – Human Resource Management
  2. Arun Monappa- Managing Human Resource.
  3. C.B. Memoria – Personnel Management-
  4. Armstrong, Michael & Baron Angela. (2005). Handbook of Strategic HRM (1st ed.). New Delhi: Jaico Publishing House.
  5. Mello, Jeffrey A. (2007). Strategic Human Resource Management (2nd ed.). India: Thomson South Western.


Recruitment and Selection

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