SYBMS Sem III & Sem IV Revised Syllabus With Effect From The Year 2015-16


New BMS Syllabus

The new structure is proposed for BMS program from Sem 3 onwards (w.e.f. Academic Year 2015-16) and has been approved by the Mumbai University.

The new curriculum is designed to inculcate academic expertise among the students in chosen area. The new structure gives a choice to undergraduate management students to select the specialization area i.e. marketing or finance of HRM and pursue a full-fledged degree in that area.


The paper pattern for BMS under CBSGS system for FY, SY and TYBMS is as follows:

Marks – 75

Time – 2.5 hours


1) All questions are compulsory subject to internal choice.

2) Figures to right indicate full marks

1) Attempt any 2 questions: – 15 marks

a) – 7.5 marks

b) – 7.5 marks

c) – 7.5 marks

2) Attempt any 2 questions: – 15 marks

a) – 7.5 marks

b) – 7.5 marks

c) – 7.5 marks

3) Attempt any 2 questions: – 15 marks

a) – 7.5 marks

b) – 7.5 marks

c) – 7.5 marks

4) Attempt any 2 questions: – 15 marks

a) – 7.5 marks

b) – 7.5 marks

c) – 7.5 marks

5) Case Study – 15 marks

The specialization that will be offered from Sem 3 onwards is:

Finance or

Marketing or

Human Resource Management.

In Sem 3 and Sem 4, there will be 4 compulsory papers and 2 specialization papers.

After sem 4, there has to be an internship for 1 to 1.5 months and the report has to be submitted as 100 marks project for Sem 5 (Project on specialization)

The compulsory subjects in Sem 3 are:

1) Managerial Economics – II

2) Principles of Marketing

3) Accounting for Managerial Decisions

4) Organization Behaviour and HRM

Other elective groups to be selected by the learner are:

Finance Group – Electives:

1) Basics of financial services

2) Corporate Finance

Marketing group – Electives:

1) Consumer Behaviour

2) Strategic Management

Human Resource Group – Electives:

1) Recruitment and Selection

2) Motivation and Leadership

The compulsory subjects in Sem 4 are:

1) Business planning and Entrepreneurial Management

2) Business Research Methods

3) Direct Taxes

4) Production and Total Quality Management

Other electives to be selected by the learner are:

Finance Group – Electives:

1) Advanced Costing and Auditing

2) Equity and Debt Market

Marketing group – Electives:

1) Integrated Marketing Communication and Advertising

2) Rural Marketing

Human Resource Group – Electives:

1) Training and Development in HRM

2) Change Management


Please download the attached PDF files for more details of the syllabus and reference books for Sem 3 and Sem 4:

  1. FINAL_SEM_III-final
  2. FINAL_SEM_iv

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  1. Hello,
    I’m a FYBMS student from RADAV college Bhandup(West).
    My question is to know about whether which subject to choose in sem 3.Provided, I also wanted to know more about Finance, Marketing and Hr sections
    in sem 3.Which subject is more better to choose in sem 3.Is it related to my future carer?
    Please let me know.

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