“SYBMS Product Launch — A huge success…!!”

THURSDAY, AUGUST 11: S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion (W), Mumbai

                Second Year BMS Class of S. I. E. S. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion (W) celebrated a Marketing Extravaganza on Thursday, the 11th day of August 2011.

Well, the purpose of the event being internal examinations of forty marks conducted at a practical level as well as providing an exposure to the students of Second Year BMS, in the subject of ‘Marketing Management’ and was judged under special evaluation system by Prof. Shweta Bhatia of BMM Department and Prof. (Mrs.) Anita Agrawal.

The excitement among the students began right from the day Prof. (Mrs.) Archana Sanil, (the course co-ordinator for the department of BMS at S.I.E.S. College, who is also the professor for the SY students for Marketing Management) conceived and put-forth this idea of conducting internals in this manner. The class of merely sixty students gave an outstanding response to her and promised to make it a success.

For this event, the students were divided into six groups of ten students each. They were told to sell self-made or resale the existing products on a day allotted to them. For this they had to conduct a market research, prepare their products or buy those which they are going to sell, chalk out marketing strategies, conduct advertising and publicity drives in and around the premises and finally earn profits for themselves.

Post this event, they are now busy preparing the statements of accounts, distributing profits and so on.

The students were marked on the products they sold, the promotional strategies the used, the mannerism they followed during the event, their inter-personal as well as intra-personal skills and the percentage of profit they earned over their investments.

Some catchy products / services which were mass-noticed were ‘Mystic Tarot Reading’, ‘Chocolate-fountain’, ‘Junk Station Customized Mocktail’, ‘Kiwi Shots’, ‘Chess Cakes’ and ‘Hard Rock Cafe T-Shirts’ apart from other products which were being sold.

Principal of the college, Dr. (Mrs.) Harsha Mehta couldn’t stop appreciating the students and said, “Out of a few thousand students of S.I.E.S, I can easily identify and pick out our management students. I am really thankful to the Department of BMS for coming up to me with this idea and making it a success”

“We were overwhelmed to see the success of the event and we appreciate their team-work and leadership skills which they displayed during the event. We feel proud to call them OUR students”, said Prof. (Mrs.) Anita Agrawal.

The winners of the prizes to be given by Rotaract Club of S.I. E. S. Sion West, will be declare at Visions – 2011, which is the annual fest of the college. We all hope and wish that one such successful event will certainly motivate everyone to take up such tasks in the future.

– Ojas Barve

Chief Correspondent

(SIES College Sion West)

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Ojas Barve

A professional in the education industry, Ojas is currently working with S P Jain School of Global Management (the global arm of S P Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai) as Program Manager for all the under-graduate as well as post-graduate programs whereby he plays a significant role in planning the schedules of the programs across global campuses located in Dubai, Singapore and Sydney. He also plays a role as Academic Mentor for guiding the MGB (MBA) students in their internship/projects. In the year 2014, 12 students successfully completed their projects under his guidance. Former Professor at MT Educare, Ojas has trained the students from commerce and management streams. He has gained exposure to the print media industry, while he completed his internship assignment with SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce in their in-house publication, SIES Skyline as their 'Editor-in-Chief' He has worked with BMS.CO.IN at internship position as 'Campus Representative' for three months after which he was extracted in the team as 'Chief Correspondent-Social Media'. He gained hands-on experience in the field of Social Media and E-Commerce, then. He started his career in teaching at Aadeshwar Academy, Borivali where he trained the school-level students in the French language. He was also associated with Dnyana Prakash Classes, Dadar for two academic years where taught subjects of Organisation of Commerce and Management to Class-12 students. Academically, he's a graduate in management studies in distinction class with a strong flair towards languages. He is pursuing his Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Masters in Commerce with Business Management elective. He has completed his A-1 level certification in French Language from L' Alliance Francaise de Bombay. Also, he is a Certified Professional Introductory Counselor from SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education and holds a certification in Capital Markets from Inter-connected Stock Exchange of India Ltd.


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