T.Y.BMS- is just a month of studies enough to help you PASS?


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The T.Y. BMS Sem 6 university exams are finally starting from 25th of April. These exams might have been one of the most speculated and talked about exam of the year owing to the FM fiasco and the change in exam dates due to the LS elections. Now that these exams are finally approaching and it’s barely a month left we thought why not give our students a little reality check, that will act as a kick and ensure they start studying immediately.

We at www.bms.co.in very well know that all BMSites work like NASA’s rockets, nope I am not talking about your super-advanced technology and precision I am talking of the fact that you won’t start working unless your asses are at fire! So BMSite congratulations I am pleased to inform you that it’s time your fire started burning and you start burning the mid-night oil because unless you do that you shall very well have a repeat performance of our brilliant KT studded Sem 5, which I am sure we do not want do we?

7 tough and lengthy subjects to crack and only a month to go! Please don’t let the panic attacks and jitters prevent you from starting your studies. You have done this for the past 5 semesters and you can do it this Sem too! Take up your weakness be it theory or practical up first. Don’t go into the syllabus blindly understand how much needs to be studied and allot time to your subjects accordingly.

 Just because you are good at theory doesn’t mean that it’s going to be an easy ride, don’t ignore your strengths in trying to overcome your weakness. Create a healthy and make the most of the time you have at hand. A practical and pre-planned approach will help you tackle your syllabus easily.

Don’t forget to do past question papers and the different important question sets you get from your college or your classes. Try and ask your friends from other colleges to share their question banks with you, this will help you understand which questions have been repeated across different colleges and focus on those first.

‘For a T.Y.BMS student just one month of studies isn’t enough’, is what everybody says, go ahead put in your best and make them take their words back!

All the best T.Y.BMSite we can crack this one too! 🙂

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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