T.Y.Talk: Black Book Woes!



The scariest part among your millions of fears in the last year is the black book. You have been repeatedly been scared and talked into by professors and seniors regarding the huge task that your black book is, but why don’t you give it a back thought and face up to what the black book actually is?

Your Black Book project is your final project for your three years. It’s a summary of whatever you have learnt and stands testimony to prove that your knowledge regarding making research based projects is up to the standards of a management graduate; working hard to prove your worth isn’t asking for too much is it?

Now like all research projects are evaluated, the University expects you to follow certain guidelines and a pre-specified format, which according to me is totally justified and all those who complain regarding these tiny issues are not understanding, that by following the prescribed format you are just gaining a skill in developing your project creation abilities and while you are at it, why not do it properly.

You are given the option of selecting, your own subject and topic of choice, you can choose your own project guide and work with them as per their guidance so what’s the big fuss about? In fact by giving an opportunity to create this project the university is giving you an opportunity to learn exactly what the corporate world will expect from you, in terms of detailing and precision and of course thorough knowledge on the topic you are talking about.

You get a chance to take up a topic that interests you the most and do a detailed study on it, so in case you plan to make a career in Finance, HR, Marketing, Logistics or whatever interests you; choose a related topic so you find out weather you would actually want to spend your life working in that field.

It’s not scary, it’s not a burden it is an opportunity for you to explore and introspect yourself and get a little insight into your future career choice plus the learning experience of talking to people and creating the project is a helpful skill set.

But, the project doesn’t end there does it? You need to present it to your external examiner and then viva questions; no I am not scaring you all over again! The fact that there is a PPT for most college’s and a viva that follows for everyone without exception is an amazing opportunity to showcase your communication skills, presentation skills, your well developed body language and your up to date confidence levels along with the knowledge of current affairs in the field of your project and your overall abilities to handle high pressure situations.

If you lack in any of these, then this is an opportunity for you to work hard and develop all of them because that is what will take you ahead in your future work place and help you stand apart as a management graduate as compared to your competitors.

Take it as a burden and still work on it, or take it as an amazing opportunity and ensure overall growth and development as an individual and as a management student; your choice in the end!

As always www.bms.co.in is there to help you in case of difficulties: http://www.bms.co.in/category/bms-gyan/projects/

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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