T.Y.Talk: Bunking College Should I? Should I Not?



Bunking college was an amazing idea, in your last two years and if you have not experienced those morning show movies, hanging out on carter road or marine drive or going off to hill road to shop for the next college party then you have so missed college life.

But in case you haven’t then your T.Y is absolutely not the time to do so. Once you entered your final year, your days at the college automatically get numbered, pressure increases and tests and assignments take up most of your time. You feel so exhausted after your dose of classes, projects and assignments that you really find it an annoying task to get up and attend the morning lecture.


But these lectures are going to end up becoming the most memorable phases of your college life. Set apart the fact that a huge chunk of your internal marks comes from attendance and that majority of you have the doubt factor associated with your faculties amazing teaching abilities, attending lectures has a much more significant reasoning than that.

You are never going to get these college days back and even if today you feel that your college is not worth it, at the end of the year you are going to miss it! Not everyone comes from the top notch, ‘A rated’ colleges in the city, if you do  I am sure you know how to value your college hours; but in case you don’t then you are going to be in for a huge shock when you actually start missing those days.

Students enjoying pizza

You might not have a la de da campus, the best canteen or the most promising faculties in the world; The administration department might be crappy and the management could be certified as crazy; but don’t all students have such a perspective?

There will come a day when you shall be sitting hours on end in your office facing a screen or on the field; you might have your own car and the best lunch facilities with global cuisines available but it will never compare with those fun rides in the BEST and those fights to get the same train compartment with your bestie. It will lack those crazy truth and dare sections from the canteen and the totally mad times you had in the lecture halls.


Not that growing up is bad, but college life is surely one of the best phases that you shall forever cherish, dont let go of those days. You will miss the lectures, believe me those droning explanations and those crazy calculations; those cat fights and silly group hugs and the most important part that you will miss is being carefree and totally irresponsible towards life.

Bunking is glamorous, but attending lectures is so much more memorable, I am sure the day you complete your T.Y you are going to agree to it too!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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