T.Y.Talk: Studying – Out Of The Box!



We all have to study and by the time we are in our T.Y we realize that studies are not as much about learning as they are about scoring marks and that is what makes all the difference! Yes scoring marks is important but marks help you get ahead the next few years maybe in job interviews or college applications but the rest of your life this learning is what matters and this is the biggest dilemma all students face, studying to study or studying to score.

Every Semester I myself faced this dilemma, I would always start up with the noble intention to learn all I can and eventually as viva’s and tests kept interfering I would break my schedule in order to score and end up confused before semester exam as to what route should I take up. If not all I am sure some subjects might be of interest to you, you may want to make a career in it or maybe just enjoy studying the subject and that is what helps to determine how you will study and free you of your dilemma’s.

Personally I loved Entrepreneurship Management, CSR (not ethics only CSR), IMTP (to read all the stories but I hated the answers a lot), Marketing, PR, Business Communication so you get it I was a theory person alright. I simply hated practical subjects from Sem 1 to Sem 6 all of them and it was a pain studying them because I always ended up giving more time to the ones I loved.


The solution I found was knowing how to study what subject and it truly helped me improve my marks. What I did was I studied Logistics or ethics first making sure that I forced myself to study it with a fresh mind and kept the one’s I liked for the part of the day when I knew I would be bored and wouldn’t touch something unless I totally loved it. Once I was bored I took up reading on CSR, I Googled it and had a gala time understanding about CSR at a whole new level than what my textbooks could ever teach! Of course I needed to have a lot of time at hand to do this and know my syllabus so that I don’t miss out on anything.  It isn’t possible one day before the exam but  it was worth all the advance time I spent.

So on exam day if it’s something I don’t like I have done it already and if it’s something I do like then my answers have a very strong base that the teacher’s appreciate helping me score both ways.

As we reach degree college, especially the time that we are about to graduate we start realizing that we are not studying because we have to get a degree, we realize that after putting in such efforts it better be for something we want to do and this becomes even more apparent in your choice for further studies which I am sure you will shortly have to deal with!


When you deal with studies make it an out of the box thought and then will it be something that you actually look forward to doing! Indian management Thoughts and Practices is one such subject that needs a lot of out of the box thinking, or else it’s just a lot of yawning and then we eventually end up shutting the book. Service Sector Marketing is the same in semester 5 is the same story for most people, but that still can be managed easily.

Do remember that writing kickass information from the net doesn’t get you marks if you miss out on the definitions in the textbook, so keep in mind to have a look at them. Even while you do internships, entrance exam coaching class or a part time job with your final year, scoring is not difficult if you make efforts to actually learn the syllabus instead of drinking it up and puking it out in the paper.

If you are working hard you should look at long term benefits, shouldn’t you? I loved my HRM and learning sources of recruitment or what is job description surely helped me in my work life. practical aspects and hindrances is something we surely learn on the job but if you have an idea of what things are theoretically it does help.

out of the box

Try studying in a way that it helps you for the future and do it in an unorthodox manner making things better for you in the process!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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