T.Y.Talk: Your Perfect Guide To Help You Get Through T.Y.BMS!



Welcome aboard your final year BMSites, the most memorable and burdensome year of your entire course. With this T.Y.Talk section I shall bring to you a lot of the do’s and dont’s to help make T.Y the best year of your college life! stay tuned because here, I plan to cover things as vital and varied as Exam preparation, black book guidance, college fests and Industrial visits right down to your farewell and career guidance!

Giving you a little blast from the past, here is what happened during the T.Y.BMS 2013-14:

So you get the general idea, it was really not that happening a year as far as the University was concerned, but what made up for all of this was the fact that it was the last year of college, and students made it a point to enjoy each and every moment while they could!

Feeling scared and wasting precious days is not something you do once you are in your last year. Your first priority should be taking on coaching classes for FM and SSF in case you haven’t done that already, because getting a KT in your University exams is really the last thing you wish to do!

The next thing you must focus on is attending college as much as you can, since you are now the esteemed beholders of the 75-25 system and 5 marks out of your 25 come from this attendance! (http://www.bms.co.in/75-25-system-into-action-for-bms-mu-screwed-us-up-totally-this-time/) 

Also, the fact that you really get only that little time, which you shall miss terribly in future so missing college is totally out of the question.

Attend college parties, functions or celebrations. If you can’t manage the time to be a participant be there as a spectator, because these fond memories will last forever, the grades will only come handy on interview days!

Refer a minimum of two textbooks per subject, hope you have a well stocked library or else book sharing with friends is another option. Your answers need to cover a lot of matter and attaining that much length in answers is very difficult from just one author’s textbook. You obviously can refer to the notes by www.bms.co.in for that extra dose of vital marks these notes will manage to pull off!

Surf the net and be updated with current affairs, they come in handy for the case study questions.

It’s not the end of the world so stop fretting, but do make sure you put in your best because this one year definitely matters a lot!

Until next time, keep studying, keep enjoying and keep loving your T.Y.BMs!

 Post Uno: Why You Absolutely Can’t Miss Your I.V This Year!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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