What Are The High & Medium Investment Situations?
High Investment Situations : Companies with growing strength & opportunities are ideal for investment. The strength inherent in a business & the encouraging...
High Investment Situations : Companies with growing strength & opportunities are ideal for investment. The strength inherent in a business & the encouraging...
What comes in our mind when we hear the word INVESTMENT? Of course, saving our money with the intention of earning better returns. But...
Direct Investment:- The Ultimate form of foreign involvement is direct ownership of foreign based assembly in manufacturing facilities. The foreign co. can buy part of...
Psychological Approach: The Psychological approach is based on the assumption that the stock prices are guided by emotion, rather than reason. Thus the prices of...
Efficient Market Theory Approach: The efficient market theory approach is based on efficiency of the capital market. It believes that market is efficient and information...
The Technical Approach: The technical approach involves plotting the price movement of the stock and drawing interference from the price movement in the market. The...
Fundamental Approach: The basic talents of fundamental approach are as follows: Â There is an intrinsic value for each stock and this value can be...
An investor is surrounded by many factors in his consideration of making investments. He is interested in minimizing risk and maximizing returns. He is...
SOURCES OF INVESTMENT RISK: The fluctuation in an investment’s return attributable to changes in broad economic social or political factors which...
SELECTING THE SECURITIES: Once the objective of the portfolio is determined the securities to be included in the portfolio must be selected. For bond...