‘Take all BMS semesters seriously as grades help in future studies’ says Mriya Rajeshwar Udani, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, Usha Pravin Gandhi College


Interview with MRIYA RAJESHWAR UDANI, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, USHA PRAVIN GANDHI COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT who scored 84.57% and GPA Score –7.00

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How does it feel to be a Topper in the university exams? Whom will you credit your success to? What was your success mantra?

It’s an overwhelming achievement to be a topper in the university exams. It is a reward for the hard work put in all the previous semesters as well. I would credit this success to my family, friends and professors. The only success mantra is to understand and study, not rote.


Did you prepare any timetable and please share your study strategy/exam tips to crack each subject of sem 5?

Not as such, I began studying in the last month before boards. I made notes for the theory subjects and that really helped to revise at the end. For Special Studies in Finance and Financial Management, I practiced a lot of sums and solved the previous years’ board papers.


Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

In my opinion, coaching classes are required only for subjects that need practice, for ex. SSF, FM, OR, etc. I had joined MP Tutorials in Vile Parle for SSF and FM. But I do believe self-study can be enough, if done regularly.


What was your specialization subject? Why did you opt for it?

I had chosen Special Studies in Finance as my elective. The reason for this is I am going to pursue my Masters in Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Also, Finance is an area of interest and expertise for me.


Can you list the textbooks you referred for all subjects?

Rishabh Publication for all theory subjects, Vipul Prakashan for FM.


Which was your worst paper? Why? Which was your best paper? Why?

HRM was my worst paper since I could not complete it in time. I had left about 7-8 marks, though the rest of the paper was written to my satisfaction. The best paper was SSF, and I was confident of scoring 95+ in it.


Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

BMS can be a demanding course due to the assignments, presentations, etc. But I strongly believe that all of it can be done easily with proper time management and co-ordination with peers. There should be no cause of stress in studying, it should be done effortlessly. All the tension and stress should be shared with people so that they can help you through it.


The Black Book project contributing a significant part to the percentage, please share the experiences you had during the preparation of the project and how has it benefited you.

My topic for the project was ‘Game Theory’. I would credit my elder brother for suggesting this unique topic. Researching on this gave me a deep perspective on the topic. It was as good as studying one more subject of BMS. This project was a huge contributor to my overall score as well.


Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS? What are your future  plans?

Yes, I was an intern at the Reserve Bank of India from April – June 2013. This was an internship under the Department of Statistics and Information Management. My work included balance sheet scrutiny and analysis. Also I interned at my own company for a project. I believe these internships help in gaining immense exposure. It helps to practically apply all the knowledge we have. I have secured admission at the London School of Economics and Political Science for Masters in Accounting and Finance. Along with it, I will pursue CFA.


Any tips and advises for your juniors?

Take the first four semesters seriously as well, since the grades help in future studies. Do as many internships and extra curricular activities as possible.

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